YOGYAKARTA blood clotting disorder, known as hypercoagulation, makes blood freeze too easily. Under normal conditions, blood clots occur, for example when you are injured, the body will stop bleeding by forming blood clots. Fridge factors or proteins are created by the liver attached to the platelet to form blood clots or coagulation.
Normal coagulation, important in stopping bleeding and starting the healing process. But freezing is too much, it can cause problems. People with blood clotting disorders have a higher risk of blood clots in the arteries (blood clots carrying blood from the heart) and veins (blood clots that carry blood to the heart).
Blood clots in the veins can cause deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the pelvic veins, legs, arms, intestines, or kidneys) and pulmonary embolus (blood clots in the lungs. Meanwhile, blood clots in the arteries increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, severe leg pain, walking difficulty, loss of arms or legs. In pregnant women, blood clots can also pose a risk of miscarriage or the so-called antifosfolipid syndrome.
The most common cause of blood clotting occurs due to factors V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutations (G20210A), which are genetic disorders and are often identified to increase the risk of blood clotting. Launching the Cleveland Clinic, Monday, September 30, about 3 percent to 5 percent of people with ancestors from Europe have copies of Leiden's V-factor mutation. But only 1 in 5,000 people have two copies of the mutation. About 1 in 50 white people in America and Europe have protrobin mutations.
Symptoms of blood clotting disorders can vary, depending on which part of the body experiences blood clots. Common symptoms, including:
So can blood clots cure? Hypercoagulation or blood clotting conditions are usually genetic. Because it is inherited from the elderly, it means that the tendency to experience blood clots will be experienced throughout the lifetime. But some cases, blood clots caused by surgery, trauma, certain medications, and certain medical conditions, may be prevented and treated. Disease disorders of blood clots can also be experienced by cancer sufferers who take several types of cancer, trauma or undergo surgery, placement of central vein catheters, obesity, pregnancy, use of estrogen supplements including oral contraception pills, and hormone substitute therapy.
Apart from being caused by the above, blood clotting disorders can also be experienced because they do not move the body for a long time due to rest in beds or long trips, heart attacks, heart failure, congruence, stroke, thrombocytopenia due to heparine, autoimmune disorder, intestinal inflammation syndrome, lack of folates and B vitamins, and too much protein in urine.
Tests to find out a person has a blood clot disorder, carried out by screening several symptoms and family history. Because blood clots can increase the risk factor of stroke at a young age, it is important to recognize the symptoms. As with blood tests to detect conditions. Treatment of blood clotting disorders, including treatment using anti-coagulant drugs.
To prevent blood clotting disorders that are non-genetic in nature, you can find or take non-estrogen KB pills, maintain healthy weight, make sure to get the vitamins you need, and take a walk when you have to travel long by plane or after undergoing surgery.
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