YOGYAKARTA Preeclamsia is a serious pregnancy condition and can be very dangerous because the signs are often undetected. Many women who suffer from preeclampsia do not feel sick and may need to be treated and need rest in bed. Important preeclamptical symptoms are watched out for, among others.
Preeclampsia can take lives secretly because most of the sufferers do not feel blood pressure. Awareness of high blood pressure needs to be validated by regular blood pressure measurements during pregnancy. Launching the Preeclamsia Foundation, Sunday, September 29, prenatal care is very important, so don't miss routine checks. Prenatal diets also need to be done in accordance with recommendations or evaluation of the results of the examination.
Historically, the hallmark of preeclampsia diagnostics is the discovery of proteins in urine. But some women with preeclamia have never experienced proteinuria. But without proteinuria, can be recognized by low platelets, high levels of liver enzymes, there is fluid in the lungs, and severe headaches.
A certain amount of swelling is normal during pregnancy. Unless you are one of the lucky ones, you may see a little extra swelling in the legs. The diet, on the other hand, is the buildup of excess fluids, and can be a problem if it occurs in the face, around the eyes, or in the hands.
A blunt or severe headache, a pulse in the head, and often described as a migraine never goes away, it's important to watch out for. Because these symptoms include signs of preeclampsia. Immediately a relationship between health service providers if you experience it.
Nausea or vomiting is very significant if it suddenly arises and after mid-natalization. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, known as morning crime, should disappear after the first trimester. The emergence of nausea and vomiting suddenly after mid-pregnancy can be associated with preeclampsia.
This type of stomach pain, often called epigastric pain, is usually below the ribs on the right. This pain can be misinterpreted as liver pain, bile's biological problems, flu, digestive disorders, or pain due to a baby's kick. The shoulder pain is often called "gainy" because it radiates from the heart below the right ribs.
Lower back pain is different from muscle tensions that are common in pregnancy, because it is usually more acute and specific. The shoulder pain can feel like someone clamps you strongly along a bra rope or on your neck, or can feel pain while lying on the right side. All symptoms of this pain can be a sign of HELLP syndrome or a related problem in the heart. Pain in this area must be taken very seriously; Don't ignore it and go to bed immediately. Immediately call your doctor.
An increase in weight by more than 3-5 pounds a week can be an indicator of preeclampsia. Damaged blood vessels allow more water to leak into and survive in your body tissue and not pass through the kidneys to be removed.
Don't try to lose weight during pregnancy by limiting your diet. Eat healthy and balanced foods, including fresh raw fruit and vegetables, prenatal vitamins, and folic acid supplements are important for all pregnancies. Avoid excessive salt. Before pregnancy, achieve a healthy weight (BMI 30 or less) because obesity is shown to increase the chances of developing preeclampsia.
Those are the symptoms of preeclampsia that are important to watch out for. Given that preeclampsia is a complex disease, some pregnant women will experience it for various causes. For this reason, it is important to regularly control the doctor and ask for recommendations and recipes if they experience certain complaints related to preeclampsia.
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