YOGYAKARTA There are many ways that can be done to train thinness, one of which is running backwards. This exercise is a form of practice to increase agility. Even soccer athletes also receive kelincan training with various movements, one of which is running backwards.
Run back or backward running is a movement exercise that is done by moving quickly but towards the back. A person who does a backward running at a glance will step his legs back.
Reverse running is often carried out by sports players to train speed, agility, and vigilance. This movement does not rely on the eyes to detect its running field, but relies on strength and balance. That way when the athlete runs back the athlete will not fall even though the terrain used to run is uneven.
The backward running movement has various advantages, for example, being able to increase body agility and coordination. This can happen because in doing these movements there are many muscles that are rarely used when running forward, namely calf muscles, hamstring, and glutes.
In addition, the backward running movement is able to force the body to focus more on balance and maintain body posture in order to remain vigilant.
Reporting from the Fitnessvolt website, the backward movement also puts less pressure on itself than the forward running movement. This happens because the distribution of the load is different. This reason also makes this movement effective enough to keep athletes' muscles even though they have lulution and ankle injuries.
In practice, backward running has many variations of movement. Here are some types and ways to run backwards in sports.
This exercise is carried out at constant speed. There is no variation of the movement that is difficult so it is quite easy to do. The way to do basic backward runs is as follows.
In contrast to basic backward runs, the backward sprint is done by emphasizing speed. However, it must be done in an area that is flat and safe. This exercise helps increase the quick response and agility. Here's how to backward sprints.
This exercise is carried out to train lateral movements and improve body coordination so that the movement is faster. The following is the way zigzag backward running.
That's information related to one form of training to increase agility. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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