YOGYAKARTA - Although cats are cute pets, cat urinating can be a difficult problem if they urinate in a place they shouldn't be, like on the bed. This is because the smell of urine is very sharp and difficult to get rid of if it's not handled properly, caused by chemicals in cat urine, especially urea, ammonia, and gout, which make it very pungent and difficult to get rid of with regular cleaning. So how do you get rid of the smell of cat urine on the bed? Listen to the end, yes!

A very important first step is to quickly clean the cat's toiletries before absorbing deeper into the mattress. The sooner you act, the greater the chance to avoid the smell of sticking and reduce damage to the mattress. Here are tips to clean the toiletries of the new cat:

Absorb a liquid with cloth or tissue: Use a dry cloth, thick tissue, or paper towel to absorb as much urine as possible. Press the cloth gently on the affected area to absorb the urine without cleansing it, because this matter can make the urinary seep deeper.

Use cold water: After most of the liquid is absorbed, rinse the area affected with a little cold water. Don't use hot water because it can make the smell more permanent in the fiber of the mattress. After being cleaned, use dry cloth or tissue to absorb excess water.

Baking soda is a natural cleaning ingredient that is very efficient for absorbing unpleasant odors, including the smell of cat urinary. After you clean the urine, completely sprinkle the baking soda over the zone that is hit on the bed. Baking soda will help absorb the remaining moisture and neutralize the smell of ammonia from urine.

Let the baking soda on the bed for several hours or overnight so that it can work optimally. After that, rinse by using a vacuum cleaner to transport baking soda along with an absorbed odor.

White cuka is another natural ingredient that is efficient for eliminating the smell of lagging a cat. Cuka is acidic, which can help neutralize the strong smell of ammonia in cat urine. Here's a trick to use it:

Mix the white vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, then pour it into a spray bottle.

Spray this combination of vinegar and water in a mattress area that is attacked by urine. Let the vinegar absorb for 10-15 minutes.

After that, the applause for the area that has been sprayed with a clean cloth to absorb the excess fluid. After that, sprinkle the baking soda on it to eliminate the remaining odor, and let it dry up before vacuuming.

enzyme-based cleaning products are the best option to actually break chemical compounds in cat urinary water that cause odors. Cleaner enzymes work with the method of breaking proteins in urine, so the smell disappears entirely, not just disguised.

You can get enzyme cleaners in veterinary or supermarket grocery stores. Just spray enzyme cleaners into the affected areas, and let them work for several hours according to product instructions.

Make sure to read the product label and follow instructions to get the best results.

After using one of the methods of cleaning above, it is very important to make sure the mattress is completely dry. Wet or moist mattresses can be a nest for mushrooms and germs, which can cause other unpleasant odors.

Put the mattress in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight or use a fan to speed up the drying process.

If possible, leave the mattress open and exposed to good air circulation until it is completely dry.

After making sure the mattress is clean and dry, you can use essential oil (essential oil) to add fresh scents to the mattress. Some essential oils such as lavender, lemon, or eucalyptus can provide a calming aroma and help eliminate the remaining odors that may still exist.

Just add a few drops of essential oil to the spray bottle containing water, then spray it thinly throughout the mattress.

After the mattress, you are clean, it is important to prevent cats from repeating the behavior of crying in the same place. Some preventive measures that can be tried include:

Make sure the cat sand box is always clean and placed in a place that is easily accessible.

Using a natural cat repeller, such as vinegar or a special spray that has a smell that the cat doesn't like near the mattress.

Check your cat at the veterinarian if the spatial attitude continues carelessly, because there could be health problems or the underlying behavior.

In addition, there are 6 Tips for Eliminating Amis Smell on the plate easily.

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