YOGYAKARTA - Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects in the world. Even though it is small in size, mosquitoes become vectors for various deadly diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, zika, and chikungu. There are more than 3.500 species of mosquitoes around the world, but only a few species play a role in the spread of dangerous diseases for humans. In this article, we will regulate several types of mosquitoes that are harmful to the health they cause.

Characteristics: Aedes aegypti mosquito is known with the characteristics of a dark body with white stripes on its legs and other parts of the body. This mosquito is active during the day, especially in the morning and evening. Aedes aegypti is generally found in urban areas and reproduces in places that hold water such as a bathtub, can, or used tires.

Health Danger: Aedes aegypti Mosquito is the main vector of some serious illness, including:

Characteristics: Mosquito Anopheles is easily recognized by its unique posture at the time it reaches; its body forms an angle with the intended surface. Anopheles are active at night and generally reproduce in clean and calm water, such as swamps or ponds.

Health Danger: Mosquito Anopheles is best known as vector of:

Characteristics: Mosquito Culex is a type of mosquito commonly found in many places, especially in the tropics and subtropics. These mosquitoes are brown and tend to prefer to bite at night. They often breed in polluted water, including ditches and dirty puddles of water.

Health Dangers: Some diseases transmitted by the Culex mosquito include:

Characteristics: Mosquito Mansonia has a darker body with spotted wings. This mosquito tends to prefer to live in a cloudy region with lots of water plants. Like Culex, Mansonia is more active at night.

Health Dangers: Mansonia Mosquitoes are also a vector of filarias, especially in tropical climates such as Indonesia. Mansonia spreads the Wuchereria parasitics bantoni and Brugia malayi, which are the main triggers for elephant legs. Fillarias often show no symptoms at first, but over time it can cause extreme swelling in the legs, hands, or reproductive organs.

Prevention and Control of Mosquitoes

Regulating the population of mosquitoes is an important step in preventing the spread of diseases carried by mosquitoes. Several efficient methods to reduce the risk of being infected with mosquito-induced diseases are:

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