JAKARTA - The performing community of the art and culture of Napak Jagat Nusantara has the honor of being trusted as the main filler of the Archipelago Cultural Performance in the series of Commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the TNI. Located at the Jakarta Monas Field on September 21-22, 2024, Napak Jagat Nusantara looked stunning in presenting various Indonesian cultural complaints, ranging from traditional musical arts, dances, wayang golek, to comedy.

Napak Jagat Nusantara, which appeared in the series of the 79th Anniversary of the TNI, is a form of transformation from what was previously known as the Napak Jagat Pasundan (NJP). This group of art and cultural actors from Tanah Pasundan has existed since 2013 and has become part of the Bangka Kita Community, including appearing on various national level cultural arts stages to foreign countries.

Representatives of Bangka Kita Napak Jagat Nusantara - Felix Wirawan, said this performance was specially presented in supporting the TNI as the front line of the Indonesian Nation and Culture. With the Nampak Jagat Nusantara from Bangka Kita on the series of TNI's 79th Anniversary Celebrations, we certainly hope that this can be an attraction as well as inspire the wider community to love our arts and culture more," said Felix Wirawan.

He explained, in line with the spirit of togetherness among Indonesian cultural arts activists, Napak Jagat Nusantara presents a slick collaboration performance from local artists and artists who already have big names on foreign stage. Some of them are E.R Ethnic Percussion feat Kiki Juliar, Manshur Angklung, Dalang Khanha Ade Kosasih Sunarya Giriharja 2 Putu, to a row of singers such as Adella feat Difarina Indra, Sherly KDI, Nurma KDI, Lusyana Jelita, Cantika Nuswantoro, and Devita Salanatya.

"We also involve various studios and art scopes from West Java such as Sanggar Algia from Pangandaran, Sanggar Cantika Studio from Bandung Regency, Sanggar Putra Jayabaya from Cirebon, Sanggar Way Talatah from Subang, Sanggar Sona Soni from Sumedang, Kendangers Garut, and Sanggar Korwar from Jakarta. This art will be packaged in the presentation of the wayang golek, rampaklung, angklung, and medley Nusantara dance, "explained Felix.

This cultural stage action from Napak Jagat Nusantara certainly adds to the vibrant series of Commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the TNI which began September 21-22 at Monas Jakarta Field. Apart from Napak Jagat Nusantara, the series of activities include defense equipment exhibitions, blood donations, health services, distribution of basic necessities, entertainment for the TNI band to sports agendas such as the TNI Commander Fun Run 5K and the Commander of the TNI 10K.

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