JTBC Shares Synopsis And Changes In Korean Drama Snowdrop
Drakor Snowdrop (JTBC) player

JAKARTA - Within a week, several Korean dramas became the spotlight of netizens. After the Joseon Exorcist and Mr. Queen, now the Korean drama Snowdrop, starring Jung Hae In and Jisoo BLACKPINK.

A petition signed by 96,000 users asked the JTBC television channel to stop broadcasting the Korean drama Snowdrop for allegedly distorting history.

Snowdrop is a Korean drama set in Seoul in 1987 where Im Soo Ho (Jung Hae In) is found one day covered in blood on a campus. Im Soo Ho is found by Young Cho (BLACKPINK's Jisoo) who then hides Im Soo Ho.

1987 was the national democratic movement that influenced the formation of the current republic. Netizens suspect the main male character is a spy who is infiltrating the activist movement. Snowdrop is a satirical comedy drama set in the 1980s in the midst of a presidential election.

Today, March 30th shared a new statement regarding Drakor Snowdrop. JTBC again emphasizes that this drama is not about the democracy movement and there is no set-up about the two main actors in the middle of the national democracy movement.

"Snowdrop uses the background and theme of the 1987 political situation around the presidential election and not the democratic movement. The fictional story will tell the story of the military regime, the National Security Agency and how they have vested interests that collude with the North Korean dictatorship to maintain power," said a statement. Sports Chosun.

The main characters will not represent any state organization or government but will display their selfishness to take power.

Young Cho's character has nothing to do with activist Chun Young Cho but JTBC is willing to change the name of the main character due to criticism attributing them.

"Based on the information above, we ask from now on, not to spread public opinion or false information as if it were true. We hope that this information is understood in order to avoid harm to creators who are trying to make good work."

Meanwhile, the production process for Drakor Snowdrop is being carried out and the drama is planned to air in the second half of 2021.

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