YOGYAKARTA - Divorce certificates are official documents issued by the court after an official decision on divorce was made. This Act serves as legal evidence of the separation of a married couple. In Indonesia, the Religious Court decided to divorce Muslims and the District Court for non-Muslims. So what is the real divorce certificate like? Let's discuss it!

Various legal and administrative requirements, such as making a new Family Card (KK), changing the status of the KTP, sharing joint assets, and managing child custody, require this document. In this article, we will discuss what the original divorce certificate is, how the process is carried out, and the physical form or example of this document.

The original divorce certificate is an official document issued by the court as legal evidence that the divorce has been legally passed. This document serves as the main basis for ex-department couples to settle various legal and administrative matters. Without a divorce certificate, divorce is considered invalid and the couple's marital status is still registered in the civil registration system.

Divorce certificates are also needed to update the status of marriages in other official documents, such as Identity Cards (KTP), Family Cards (KK), and other population documents. Therefore, having an original divorce certificate is very important for those who want to ensure that their marital status has changed legally.

Stages Of Divorce Deed Management

The divorce process in Indonesia involves a number of legal steps, and a divorce certificate is only issued after the divorce decision is passed. The following are the stages that are passed in managing divorce certificates:

Examples Of Original Divorce Deeds

The original divorce certificate is usually published in physical form and contains important information related to divorce. Some of the main elements contained in the divorce certificate are as follows:

The full name of both parties: The name of the husband and wife who have divorced is written in full.

Case number and date of decision: This document includes case numbers from the divorce process and the official date of the court decision.

The name of the court that issued: The divorce certificate includes the name of the Religious Court or the District Court that handles divorce.

The signature and official stamp: The original divorce certificate is equipped with the signature of an authorized court official as well as an official stamp or stamp.

The issuance date: This document also contains the date when the divorce certificate will be issued by the court.

The form of divorce certificates can vary depending on the policies of each court, but the elements above are always in the divorce certificate.

The Function Of Divorce Deeds In Daily Life

After officially divorcing, divorce certificates are needed for various administrative and legal matters. Some examples of its use are:

1. Status Changes in KTP and KK

After the divorce, someone must renew their marriage status on their KTP and Family Card. To do this, divorce certificates are the main documents needed.

2. Distribution of shared assets

If there are joint assets that must be divided after the divorce, the divorce certificate will be legal evidence that divorce has occurred and the division of assets can begin.

3. Management of Children's Custody

If there are children from marriage, divorce certificates are often needed for custody and all legal documents related to children, such as birth certificates that need to be changed.

4. New Marriage Application

For couples who want to remarry after divorce, divorce certificates must be shown as evidence that they have legally divorced from their previous marriage.

You need to know very well about the Terms of Divorce at the Religious Court and how to take care of it so that you don't make the wrong steps and regret it in the future.

So after knowing the ins and outs of the original divorce certificate, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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