YOGYAKARTA It is very important to verify the knowledge gained from social media. As with the viral effect of chewing gum which is claimed to help shape the jaw. A number of experts straighten out this claim, according to them, it can be at risk for jaw and tooth muscles.

There are various rubber candy products specially formulated by manufacturers that have a more visible texture. According to one of the influencers accounts on TikTok, it claims that after chewing the rubber candy, the jawline is sharper and firmer. In addition, it is also viral for jaw training which uses a practice of chewing a piece of silicon rubber to strengthen the jaw muscle and get a firmer jaw line. Both, straightened out by experts.

Voting rubber candy does train muscles in one's jawline. But according to Mark S. Wolff, DDS., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania said. That rubber candy can have the effect of expanding' the muscles along the face. Obviously Wolff, called a evaporation muscle. But it won't directly change the jawline.

cosmetic dentist Michael J. Wei, DDS., agrees with Wolff. That scientific evidence is quite limited that supports the effectiveness of rubber candy for facial fitness, especially achieving the goal of forming a jaw. Launching Health, there was a 2018 study that was widely cited by the producer of rubber candy. That the research involving 19 people found that chewing carent candy can increase the strength of the bite. Note, this research does not focus on increasing the jawline.

So, is chewing rubber candy safe even though it doesn't change the jawline or helps a bit with evaporation muscle training? Voting rubber candy can be very damaging. Hard rubber candy can break teeth, cause muscle seizures, and injures the temporomandullar joint tissue (TMJ). This can cause great pain and damage to comfort, "explained Wolff.

General dentist Julie Cho, DMD., explains that chewing gum can risk damaging patches, crowns, and causing loose tooth wire. It can even strain muscles, cause pain, and headaches. That means, claims of rubber candy can tighten muscles and shape the jaw more firmly, inappropriately. Cho suggested, it is better to maintain dental health than to risk following viral information to eat rubber candy so that the jaw is firm.

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