YOGYAKARTA Have you ever looked at the star-filled night sky and imagined the unique shapes created from these groups of stars? These shapes are known as constellations and have been part of human culture since ancient times. Stars can be used for navigation, time markers, and also as inspiration in mythology. So, what are the various kinds of constellations? Check out the full explanation in the review below.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KKBI) Online, the constellation is defined as a group of stars adjacent to each other and seen to be related, forming a special configuration.

Usually, constellations have patterns or lines in the form of animals, mythology creatures, or dead objects.

According to historical records, the constellations of ancient stars date back to Greek and Roman mythology. Over time, the constellations are named scientific instruments and exotic animals.

The main benefit of constellations is the basis for pointing to the direction of northern, southern, western, and southeast travel.

In addition, the constellation can also be used as a basis for determining seasons and calendars.

Compiled from various sources, there are at least 88 constellations officially recognized by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration / United States Aeronautics and Space Administration). Of these, there are only a few constellations that are popular among the public.

Here are the most famous kinds of constellations you need to know:

Scorpio is one of the 13 constellations of stars currently known. This constellation is famous for its distinctive shape, namely death, aka Scorpius, in Latin.

This star's constellation can be seen from the Southern hemisphere and most parts of the northern central hemisphere between May-August.

The Scorpiostar's constellation is adjacent to the equator in parts of the Northern hemisphere.

Ursa Major is the largest constellation in the north sky and is the third largest in the sky.

The brightest set of stars in Ursa Major formed a biduk asterosism, a pattern of the most famous stars in the sky.

This star's constellation is often called a 'big bear' because many legends around the world associate Ursa Major with bears.

According to the Constellation Guide page, the constellation of minor ursa stars is located in the north sky. The name rasi star is small.

Ursa minor is easily recognized for containing the famous littler doppler asterosism. The constellation's constellation is also known to mark the polar location in the north sky.

Ursa minor is the 56th tag constellation in terms of size, occupying an area of 256 square degrees. Its location is in the third quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ3) and can be seen at latitudes between +90 dejarat and minus 10 degrees.

Cygnus is a constellation that can be seen in the northern sky. The constellation has six bright stars that cross each other, just like the cross.

According to The Sky Line, Cygnus is the 16th largest constellation in the night sky. The constellation is in the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere and can be seen in the latitude plus 90 degrees and minus 40 degrees.

Orion is the oldest constellation known to humans. It is located in the equator of the sky and can be seen throughout Earth.

Orian is made of shaped bintags like a man who brandishes a sword and shield, like a hunter.

That's information about all kinds of constellations. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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