YOGYAKARTA - There are several benefits of constellations in human life, apart from being the object of the beauty of the night sky. One field that is greatly affected by knowledge of the constellation is agriculture.

So, how can star patterns help farmers in determining the time to plant, harvest, and even predict the weather? Let's discuss further through the following article.

Reporting from the US VAO (Virtual Astronomical Observatory) page, in early times, before the discovery of calendars and almanak, farmers used constellations to determine the best time to start planting.

Although zodiacal constellations are the most popular, there are several other constellations that help mark the best time to plant and harvest. Here are some important constellations in agriculture:

Taurus has long been a hallmark of the early spring sky. For the people of the Andes mountains, this star is an important plant indicator and a guide for planting.

Please note, taus is a summer constellation, where most plants in the northern hemisphere are meant to be grown in the spring and harvested in the fall.

Thus, the emergence of Taurus means that the planting season is ongoing. However, the people of the Andes mountains have other uses for Taurus. For small clusters of stars in the Taurus constellation known as the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters.

During the summer, villagers will climb to the mountains and witness Taurusbit, then measure the brightness of the Pleiades. If the stars are bright, then the time for planting potatoes needs to start.

But if the stars are dim, it means the drought season is coming, and the planting will be postponed to avoid crop failure due to water shortages.

Interestingly in recent years, scientists have discovered that this technique actually predicts the cycle of the El televisi weather phenomenon, which is known for its influence on the weather and rainfall around the world.

Before continuing, also read articles discussing Knowing The Term Of Asterism, Star Patterns Similar To Constellations

Leo Lion is one of the more easily recognized constellations in the night sky, which has a distinctive hook shape and triangle shape. This star appears around spring equinonomics time.

During ancient Egyptian agriculture, Leo's appearance marked a critical moment this year. This rate and rising sun usually indicate an imminent Nile flood. Floods carry the necessary water and mud and nutrient-rich soil to Egypt, allowing the start of the planting and growing season.

In another culture, the emergence of Leo corresponds roughly to the semi-finals. In addition, the emergence of Leo marked the beginning of the planting season and the official end of winter.

Pisces is one of the largest constellations in the sky, but also one of the faintest constellations. This star is mostly the constellation of Fall.

In addition, the emergence of Pisces indicates that Fall has arrived. In the Northern Hemisphere, this constellation will be a sign that the harvest season is over or almost over.

Pisces is one of the important seasonal constellations that farmers can identify to find out the arrival of winter solstis, which is an important time in the agricultural calendar.

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