YOGYAKARTA Good posture, no bowing and ears parallel to the shoulder. That is, there is a reason why you have to sit properly. Having the right posture, when the body parts are parallel to what you should be. The tense muscles to support yourself must also be right.

The right posture is also described through arches on the spine. The spine has three arches, one in the neck, in the middle of the back, and in the lower back. When the posture is right, all three maintain a natural arch. Muscle groups are also well-posed to carry out their daily activities.

There is a type of posture, which is static and dynamic. A static posture is a posture that is maintained when not moving. Like when sleeping, standing, and sitting still. Dynamical posture, when moving. For example, when walking, doing stretching, or running. There are several physical reasons why a person has a bad posture. In addition to the habit of bending, muscles that are too tense or have a smaller range of movement, can make it difficult to position the body properly. The strength of the leg muscle and core or the body core also affect the posture. These muscles include the back, abdomen, pelvis, body side, and buttocks.

The muscles mentioned above, connect the upper and lower parts of the body. A weak Core muscle, can cause a person to have a posture bend or move the upper body more forward than the lower part of the body. Bad sitting position, wrong habit of holding the device, long working in front of the screen with inappropriate posture, makes the posture bend. To find out what are the benefits of having a good posture, here's an explanation.

Body posture is not about appearance. But about how the bones and muscles of the core and the bones of the movement are properly moved. The benefits are if you have a good posture, or do not bend, among others.

Good posture is a way of looking at yourself. Improved posture can help a person stay focused and more excited throughout the day. Launching WebMD, Tuesday, September 10, research shows that having a good posture can increase self-confidence.

Good posture depends on muscles and bones. If the spine is aligned properly, it will reduce the stress on the joints and bones. This can reduce overall pain or reduce the onset of problems such as osteoarthritis. Please note, although there are so many exercises that can be done to improve posture, it is important to consult a personal trainer in order to get the right training program.

When you sit or stand upright with your shoulders pulled back, it will feel easier to breathe. This is because there is more room to open your chest so you can breathe deeper. Bad postures, such as bending, can cause tensions on the neck and shoulders. This causes headaches on the forehead or back of the skull.

By practicing the right posture, helping you reduce the risk of back and neck pain. Lying on the table, for example, can affect spinal growth. If you have to work long in a sitting position, take a break after 30-40 minutes. Can fill that time with a small stretch or walk around the table for a few minutes.

That's the benefit of having a good posture. Bad posture needs to be trained to return to its natural conditions. It can be done with training for core muscles or practicing yoga with certain movements.

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