YOGYAKARTA In the archipelago, there are various tribes and regions that have typical culinary delights. In Aceh, it is famous for foods spiced with iBak Teumeuruii leaves or known as coja greetings or kari leaves. Launching the Aceh Provincial Government page, usually these plants are deliberately planted in front of Acehnese homes. These plant leaves are usually used as spices, especially red sauce. Well, to get to know what is typical in Aceh besides Gayo coffee, check the following delicious and unique Aceh culinary list.

Called chicken catch, because chicken meat is 'hidden' behind the fried leaves and pandan leaves. This catch chicken is a typical culinary delight of Aceh Besar. However, many are found in restaurants or restaurants both in Banda Aceh and some areas on the island of Java.

One portion of chicken catch, processed from one whole chicken which is cut into small pieces. Then mixed with paddan leaves and leaves, then fried together.

The next delicious and unique culinary delight from Aceh, called guari jruek drien. Drien is a fermented durian that gives rise to sour flavors such as jruek. The more acid the result of the fermentation process, the more delicious the dish. Usually, the filling uses a variety of vegetables from harvest in the yard. Such as long beans, cassava leaves, liquefied leaves, and citrus leaves. The sour taste mixes with fresh acid, the shrimp and spices are added. Please note, like sugary in general, this jruek drien uses coconut milk.

Kami Kambing, also known as kuah beulang because it is cooked using kuali or beulang. Kari from Aceh Besar, has a thick and thick sauce. Uniquely, the curry uses gongseng coconut or is called u teulhe.

Sie reuboh is made from side dishes or muscles cooked. In this culinary, the sour taste is fresh. This taste comes from vinegar, or called Sie reuboh. The spices used include turmeric, garlic, shallots, lengkuas, brown sugar, and other special spices.

Sie reuboh is cooked using pottery. Launching the book Aneka Culinary Aceh was published by the Language Development and Development Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the reason for using pottery so that cooked meat can be cooked thoroughly. Kuali also emits a unique taste of cooking products.

Not only popular in Aceh, even in Yogyakarta, restaurants that sell Aceh Mi are easy to find. The cooking process is unique, namely cooked with charcoal. The reason is that it is perfect ripe. Uniquely, Aceh noodles use shrimp fillings, crabs, meat, and squid. Quite diverse is not the texture? In addition, the taste is also attached to a distinctive spice. The noodles worn are large and yellow in color with condiments blowing cucumbers and shallots and green overflows.

Who would have thought that the pegagan leaves would be processed into fresh urap? The Acehnese culinary, called chili on Pegagan, uses Pegagan leaves mixed with lemongrass and citrus leaves.

If you are looking for coffee friends, the bhoi cake can be an alternative snack in Aceh. This typical Aceh bolu cake has various shapes. There are fish, flowers, or leaf motifs. This bhoi cake, like ordinary bolu cake but uses duck eggs as a mixture. Processing it is still traditionally, namely using an oven that is heated with upper and lower charcoal.

Those are a number of Acehnese culinary lists that are delicious and unique in processing them. Have you tasted the food above?

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