JAKARTA - Carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS can occur when the nerves on the wrist are pinched. In many cases, this is a result of common daily activities. Including the use of mobile phones that are too frequent, playing musical instruments, or manual work.

This disorder usually begins slowly and gradually. Not only affects your hands, you can also feel numbness or tingling in your fingers, especially the index finger and thumb. You can also feel an uncomfortable or weak sensation on your wrist.

If you experience mild CTS, you may be able to relieve the symptoms with lifestyle changes and treatment. Here are nine home remedies to relieve carpal tunneling, supported by Healthline, Monday, September 9.

Either when typing, playing guitar, or using work equipment, try adjusting the time controller for the previous 15 minutes. When the timers sound, stop what you're doing and shake your fingers. Stretch your hands and move your wrists to increase blood flow to those areas.

Keeping your wrist straight can help reduce stress on the median nerve. Symptoms are more common at night, so using a stroke support at night can help reduce symptoms before they appear. If you have problems with repeated work at work, you can also use the wrist trunk during the day.

If you feel tense or force yourself to do tasks such as writing, typing, or using a cash register, loosen your handle or reduce the energy you use. Try using a pen with a soft handle or tapping the button lighter.

To treat carpal tunnel syndrome with home remission, you can avoid activities that make your wrist bend extremely in both directions. Try to keep your wrist neutral as much as possible.

Keeping your hands warm can help relieve pain and stiffness of your hands. Consider wearing fingerless gloves or keeping a warm hand near you.

You can do wrist exercises quickly while lining up at grocery stores or sitting at work. For example, tap your hands and then slide your fingers straight back. Repeat this action five to 10 times. This can help ease the pressure on your wrist.

This home remedies is very effective if your CTS is caused by pregnancy, fracture, or other problems with fluid retention. Try placing your hands and wrists in a higher position.

If these tips and tricks do not affect symptoms, consider visiting a physical therapist or occupation. They can teach you more difficult training to relax your hands and relieve symptoms.

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