JAKARTA - When you have a new house, some people feel the spirit of dredging the room becomes more attractive and comfortable. However, sometimes this becomes confusing because of the many choices of home decoration models or related to the cost. Either when choosing home paint, antiques, lighting, or other furniture to decorate the room. That's sometimes confusing.

Not to mention if the decoration items have a price that drains your pocket. Even though you may be very interested because you can beautify the room at home. Regardless, if you're feeling it, see some interesting ideas for this new house decoration as reported by The Indian Express page, Friday, September 6.

Energy-efficient lighting

Before deciding the theme of home lighting, you should consider choosing energy-efficient products. Don't forget to make smart lighting controls, such as light-filling switches and timers to help save electricity. The timer is very efficient as a way to turn off the lights automatically when not used. There is also a dimmer that is no less useful for controlling the surrounding lighting.


Instead of throwing it away or underloading it, you can reuse the antique furniture. Instead, it's better if you choose the old furniture or vintage for a new house because it can provide a traditional feel. In addition, you can also use used goods that are turned into useful things. You may be able to decorate them first to make it more attractive.

Adjust It To Your Taste

You have the opportunity to fill your house with self-reflecting items. Get inspiration from your favorite colors, patterns and textures, and don't be afraid to mix product styles like contemporary glamorous, modern agricultural homes, or classic bohos to determine your own pairing.

Use more natural ingredients

Whether it's looking forrradiations, curtains, flower vass, or new wall decorations, it's wise to choose natural ingredients. Maybe from goni, organic cotton, bamboo, or sugar cane. In addition to beautifying the room, in this way you have minimized the use of carbon.

Give reforestation

One of the best ways to make sure that the house feels alive and fresh is to bring green plants. Plants are a great addition to decoration because they can provide room freshness. If you don't really like gardening, it's efficient to choose plants that have low care. It's like succulents, money plants or bamboo trees.

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