YOGYAKARTA Soybean milk is one of the most consumed vegetable milks. But not many people know that soybean milk is beneficial for health. Soybean milk prices vary quite widely, but it is also important to understand the content of each product. Especially, pay attention to the amount of glucose or sugar in one packaging. The reason is, for people with certain health conditions, they must limit glucose consumption.

Soybean milk is made from soybean seeds that are soaked, then ground so that thick juice comes out like milk. So it is called vegetable milk which is also considered safe for most people to consume except for people who are soybeanly allergic. For people who have certain thyroid conditions, it is also necessary to avoid consuming soy milk. If you do not have certain health conditions and may consume soybean milk, this is beneficial for health.

Soybean seeds, the main ingredient of soy milk, contain natural compounds called isoflavon. This compound is an antioxidant that prevents damage to the body due to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, caused by molecules called free radicals.

Isoflavon in soybeans, including daidzein and genistein. According to research, women with soybean-rich diets may experience a lower risk of breast cancer. This is because isoflavon is known as phytoestrogen which helps the estrogen level is weak.

Some women also feel symptoms of perimenopaus. Like a bad and sensitive mood. It turns out, body genetics, gut microbiota, and environmental factors play a major role in body reactions. Launching BBC Good Food, Tuesday, September 3, phytoestrogen helps prevent complaints experienced by women. Both women are periopause and those with poor digestive system.

Soybeans are a source of plant protein enriched in nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are needed for growth, repair, and immunity. Of all the alternatives to vegetable milk, soybeans are the most comparable to cow milk in terms of protein contributions.

Low soybean milk saturates and contains more double unsaturated and single unsaturated fats. In addition to the beneficial fat composition, consuming soybean food can support heart health thanks to the isoflavon, saponi, and lesitin contained in it.

Soybean milk can be an alternative cow's milk, especially for people who are on plant-based and vegan diets. However, soybeans that contain calcium are treated with certification. Some plant-based milk that is fortified with iodine in the form of potassium iodine contains calcium. But the content may not be the same as what you find in cow's milk. That means, always check the soy milk label to ascertain any nutrients in the product.

Although soy milk is good for health, for people who have a history of calcium oxalat kidney stones, it is important to avoid excessive consumption of soybeans.

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