JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from Han So Hee's family. According to a report by TV Chosun, Han So Hee's mother was arrested by the police on Monday, September 2.
The mother was arrested for being involved in the operation of the gambling house at 12 points. This illegal gambling house area was created in several areas, namely Ulsan, Wonju, and others since 2021.
Mrs. Han So Hee became the mastermind behind the house's operations and recruited other people to help her. Prospective customers must deposit some money into a site before being able to play in a gambling spot created by the actress's mother.
In addition, the mother was also involved in fraud, illegal gambling fines and others considering gambling is an illegal act in South Korea.
Han So Hee's agency responded to this news on Tuesday, September 3. They confirmed that their artist was not related to the news.
"The report released yesterday (September 2) is a personal matter that his mother and Han So Hee cannot express how disappointed they were when they heard the news," said 9ato as the agency on Tuesday, September 3.
We want to emphasize once again that this incident has nothing to do with the actress. We apologize for the news about personal life that is not related to work. Thank you," they concluded.
Previously, Han So Hee was linked to her mother when her mother reportedly deceived several people using her child's name. Han So Hee then wrote an apology to the victims and paid her mother's debt.
In 2021, the Ulsan court stated that Han So Hee was not involved in a fraud case even though the mother used her son's name in her action.
Han So Hee lived with her grandmother since she was five years old after her parents divorced. He rarely communicates with his mother, especially after he graduated from high school.
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