JAKARTA - Sule firmly said that he would never enter politics even though he had previously been offered by Raffi Ahmad to become a candidate for Deputy Mayor of Bekasi.
Although he admits that many have offered him to enter politics.
"No, the answer was no, not not yet. If it's not certain there is a possibility to try it. No. But if I have a politician friend, an official friend, I can," said Sule in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday, September 2.
"There are many (proposing). It's just that if you use it, I can make popularity," he explained.
Sule admits that she is not interested in getting into politics because she feels she is blind to this. He also said that everyone was born according to their part and he was part of being a comedian.
"Yes (political blind). Knowing about politics like those who know better about politics. The point is, humans are created already with their parts," continued Sule.
He even admitted that he was lazy to study politics because he felt he had been born by God to be an artist.
"How come I'm not not interested (to learn politics). Just being lazy to learn, because I was created the same as the Almighty as an artist, so I have to maintain my faith," explained Sule.
However, he did not rule out the possibility to support his friends who had good intentions by entering politics.
"Yes, if I have to just follow it, just follow it. What do they want to do to apply for aspirations for the people, so we just have to support them. We pray for them if their goal is true for the people, why don't we support them?" he said.
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