YOGYAKARTA One of the important food components for children is protein. Protein is beneficial for good energy, growth, and immune system. Foods that contain a lot of protein include nuts, eggs, fish, nuts, beef, poultry meat, plant-based milk, tofu, and seeds. More specifically, the following is explained about why children need to eat protein-rich foods and how much is needed every day.
Protein is an important part for food because its function is crucial for the body. People realize that muscles are made of protein. Many don't know that proteins are composed of amino acids. These amino acids compose almost every cell in the body. Proteins also transport molecules throughout the body. Some types of proteins, also act as antibodies against diseases and carriers of messages in biological functions.
Viewed from a nutritional point of view, protein is important because it is digested more slowly than carbohydrates. So protein helps stabilize the blood sugar response when eating mixed foods. For example, when consuming protein and carbohydrates. Protein helps feel full longer after eating.
Those are a number of protein benefits and the reasons why children need to eat protein-rich foods. Of course, other macronutritions, both play a major role for children, including carbohydrates and fats.
It is important for parents to know that protein needs depend on the child's age and weight. In children aged 14 years and over, protein recommendations are slightly increased. Especially for boys who reach retirement. At that time, they needed to form muscle mass and tended to have more weight than girls.
Guidelines for parents, determine the following daily protein intake for children according to age:
In addition to being important to meet daily needs for protein, parents also need to know that protein producers, amino acids, are divided into two categories. First, essential amino acids that are not made by the body, but are obtained from food. Second, non-essential amino acids that can be produced in the body.
Animal protein provides many essential amino acids needed for growth and development. For plant-based proteins that also provide essential amino acids, including seeds, almond milk or other plant-based milk, tofu, nuts, lentil, spinach, quinoa, and nuts.
As a handle, one ounce of protein-rich food generally provides 7 grams of protein. Launching Parents, Sunday, September 1, one ounce, equal to 1 large chicken egg, 1 shot of tofu 1, 1 shot of beans or lentil cooked, or 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
Given the importance of protein for children during their growth period, offer them protein-rich foods throughout the day. It should also be remembered, 10 30 percent of the children's energy intake needs to come from protein, while the rest is provided by carbohydrates and fat. That is, variatively sufficient food throughout the week helps to encourage a diet that includes various nutrients. Healthy diets for children must also include foods high in calcium and iron, which is important for muscle and bone growth.
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