JAKARTA - Entering the age of 40 is certainly experiencing a series of achievements. For men who have entered this age, it may not be an easy matter, for example in the aspects of career, romance, social relations, and even family life. All aspects of life are passed as a process.

Not a little chaos was experienced, but it returned to the person of each person. This age is known as middle age and goes through many crises. After going through the crisis, many men have welcomed and accepted their 40s with great joy.

When looking back and reflecting on what paths have been through, the age of 40 for men was shared as a reflection by several people. Reporting from Fatherly, Sunday, March 28, the following are the perspectives that men have when they enter the age of 40.

Priorities change

If you initially reach an age that is said to be mature but still young, life priorities revolve around the personal ego. Pursuing a career, high income, and qualified knowledge. When he is 40 years old, men's priorities will change.

Many people prioritize a happy home life, family welfare, and no longer pursue self-sufficiency.

Self-confidence increases

After graduating from tertiary education or completing formal education in their 20s to 30s, men are confused, lack self-confidence, and dare not take risks. In contrast to the age of 40 years, men feel more confident, more selective, and observant in taking risks.

Never a 'drama'

A drama thickens a problem, but not in the real events experienced by men entering the age of 40 years. At this age, life is no longer full of 'drama' but rests on calculative considerations and is far from being careless in making choices.

As it is

Robert is 39 years old, when he entered the number 40 years he felt no longer hesitant to express his opinion. This is different from his attitude nine years ago, says Robert.

When in the same class as young students, according to him, they prefer to refrain from expressing their opinions in front of the class. Robert knew quite well what he wanted to say, which places to visit, and who his close friends were.

It's easier to say 'no'

The word 'no', according to Jerry (40 years), is a complete sentence that does not require a full reason or explanation. Right now, when he was past the crisis, he dared to say 'no' without being convoluted and sought an explanation to convince his interlocutors.

usia 40 tahun bagi pria
Illustration of man reflecting age (Pexels/Dziana Hasanbekava)

No longer beating yourself up

Based on the admission of a man who had reached his 40s, he felt that he no longer beat himself up about his past choices. Tim (39 years old) has a wife and daughter, he is more confident about everything that happens in his life.

Doesn't like to waste time

Plans and decisions are not taken carelessly. Even the age of 40 years for men means using time effectively and time wasted considerably less. Especially avoiding spending time worrying about things that you can't control.

What does 40 years of age mean to you? Memories, experiences, ways of looking at the world, and achievements are certainly stored in every age ladder. Every now and then, looking back or looking forward will be necessary as learning and planning the best plan.

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