JAKARTA - Ratu Sofya explained the characters she played in her latest horror film with director Anggy Umbara, Kromoleo. Ratu said that in this film she plays the figure of Zia who has a very different personality from herself.

It was not an easy matter for Ratu to play Zia's character who was very different from her, she even had to cry because of the difficulty of exploring Zia's tomboy character.

"That's why I'm actually crying because it's hard to get Zia into me because if a tomboy girl is different from us, the road is a bit fun, then I'm going really fast, right, because I was the basic model earlier, the catwalk model, so I went down if the usual road was like it was confusing. And if a girl is a tomboy, it's really a man's way, and it's my voice, and my voice is broken, Zia can't be broken," said Ratu Sofya at the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta,

Because she found it difficult to get into Zia's character, Ratu said that she had to repeat the shooting several times because she accidentally took out the figure of the Queen in it.

"There, there, who suddenly grabbed me, who suddenly walked me-me, I'm Ratu Sofya, not Zia, my voice is Ratu Sofia, who suddenly became a girl, not a girl, not a tough girl, because sometimes it's outside, what, not outside, more sometimes it just appears like that, especially if for example I'm really spoiled, because I'm an honest person who is really spoiled, the spoiled mode is suddenly brought to the set, now that's definitely Sis, 'Queen, change, not like that'," he said.

"I've had it 10 times, because of the way, and I didn't get it, so I cried so much, I ended up on the set, I was alone, I was stuck in my room, I was silent, no one bothered me, I was silent like this, how come I'm really ugly today, why is it today, I'm why, even though it's okay, it's okay, it's just because I didn't come in, most of the jokes are actually at the location," he added.

Fortunately, the Queen was able to overcome this problem because of the help of everyone involved in the film Kromoleo, ranging from fellow players, acting coaches, to direct directors until finally he was able to overcome this difficulty.

"I asked the tips so that I could easily include the character I was who was very different from me and a lot of training with Om Tio, with Bang Sani, Bang Sani was quite helpful for me too, the coaching coach too, yes actually it was all because of the support from my friends who also wanted to help me, help my struggle like that, it's like that, the rest, thank God I can handle it well," he explained.

It's not just a matter of exploring figures, Ratu Sofya also admitted that she was burdened when she was trusted to become Zia, who is the main character in this film. He had admitted that he was unable to carry out this role.

"Yes, there must be a burden, yes, I said that I cried until I talked to him, at that time I had a boyfriend, I shared with him, I talked with him, I said like, I couldn't, I thought I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't feel it, I thought, because he found me reading at that time, I said, 'I can't, I think I just want to finish this, I can't play this, I can't enter this, I can't, I'm afraid to disappoint Mas Anggy, I'm afraid to disappoint other players, because I'm not on point, especially here I'm the main character, I'm afraid, the film is bad because of me'," he said.

"But thank God there is also support from him, he seems to give it, I like, I know you are strong, I know you can, I really believe you can, Ratu, because other you can, why can't this one, that's it, finally because it's also the support of friends, from him, from his family too, Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly, because the burden that was there slowly started to disappear, and everything became fun for me," he said.

Ratu Sofya does not cover up the fact that she acts more often in horror films. Even so, Ratu said that she had no problem or felt bored to return to playing in horror films because for her horror films became one of the venues for her to improve her acting skills.

"Obviously, of course, especially with me working in this horror world, in this film, which I was in the soap opera before, then suddenly I went to horror, to a film that I also filmed with seniors such as Om Tio, Om Rosa, Om Totos, everyone, Bang Sani, who really gave me a lot of lessons, they were all my idols, they really inspired me, I learned their acting, starting from reading, when we were taking it, I took care of it once to be my next provision, because they have often yes, if you can say they have explored it, and they are my books, "he said.

"I see they are a lesson for me, oh if acting like this, yes, like that, because it's not enough to just come here to learn acting, we have to keep digging deeper, because there are still a lot of things that need to be explored, now that's an example, thank God I've always met senior actors who can always teach me, always be able to support me, and I can learn from them too," added Ratu Sofya.

Not only as a place to develop his acting, horror films are also one of the factors that can make Ratu Sofya at the point of her current career. Moreover, he could feel a lot different when he was involved in films and soap operas at the beginning of his career.

"So when I was in the movies, it was me who was really like thank God I was at this point, like that, because what I heard was like it was actually difficult at the film point, right, not everyone will be at this point, not everyone can be able to do that, thank God I was also assisted by Mas Anggy, because he was the first to invite me to play a horror film too, so I was really grateful to Mr. Anggy, I gave me a lot of opportunities to play horror films, and got a good role, thank God, and I also believed in me, "he explained.

"And from this film I can also be known to many more people, known as people who like to watch movies, because not everyone likes to watch soap operas, also many like to watch movies," he continued.

At the end of her explanation, the Queen felt that the horror genre taught many things, especially in fighting the fear that was still felt today. In horror he admitted that he was required to be able to take advantage of properties he had never imagined before.

"There is, of course there is, that is I have to stay more, I have to be brave and braver than I am now, because we really need the horror film, especially the horror when it comes to action, it really takes courage, we need to learn a lot to hold property too," said Ratu Sofya.

"Because property horror is usually weird, right, especially if property has action, which starts from a gun, or a knife, right, that's a lot of learning that I get, and of course it's also acting, in this horror act it's very, very tough, actually, starting from fear, crying, getting angry, everything is mixed into one, right, there are so many lessons that I take after I often shoot horror films," concluded Ratu Sofya.

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