YOGYAKARTA Fish oils contain two types of fatty acids, namely eicisapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids which are considered beneficial for cardiovascular systems. Fish oils can be obtained when consuming fatty fish. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) it is recommended to eat two servings of fish within a week each of 3.5 ounces of cooked fish.faty and oily fish are a source of protein and omega 3. Good types of fatty fish are consumed, including tilapur, salmon, sardines, goreckel, herring, and tuna.

A study found that eating oily fish can protect against early and late stage oral and skin cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids help inhibit the growth of malignant and pre-ferrocious cells in doses that do not affect normal cells.

Another analysis of 900,000 women attributes the consumption of fish containing higher oil to breast cancer. Launching Medical News Today, Thursday, August 15, other research also found that consuming fish oil is beneficial for sensory, cognitive, and motor development. In addition, research on people who consume a lot of alcoholic beverages, by consuming fish oil can provide protection from dementia. So how do you recommend consuming fish to get a number of these benefits?

Consumption of fish must be the right portion. Because excessive consumption may not be useful. It is also important to choose the type of fish to anticipate the number of pollutants in the fish. These pollutants actually have no direct effect on health. It's just that if exposure is in the long term, it's still dangerous. Fish that are large in size, contain more pollutants, including mercury, heavy metals, so they must be rarely consumed.

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