JAKARTA - The habit of biting nails can be an indication of psychological or emotional problems that need to be addressed. Most people bite their nails when they are nervous or anxious. But there are also those who do it when they feel threatened, bored, or hungry.

This habit is usually done unconsciously. That's why biting nails is so difficult to stop. Adapting Psych Central, Wednesday, August 14, here's how to stop the habit of biting nails.

Sometimes it is difficult to stop habits immediately, so consider a gradual approach instead. Try to stop biting your nails on one finger, for example nails. Then, after you no longer bite the nails, add one more nail until it stops.

Another option is to stop biting nails in one hand. After successfully doing so for a while. You can start stopping the habit of biting nails in the other hand too.

Spending money to get nails that are interesting can make you don't want to bite it. Most likely you want your nails to be visible and feel good after nail treatment. If possible, try to do nail treatment as often as possible while trying to stop this habit.

Try to pay attention to triggers that can cause the habit of biting nails. Some people bite their nails when they are bored, stressed, or anxious. There are also those who do it when they realize the nails are slightly peeling off. After determining what triggers the habit of biting nails, try to find a method to avoid the situation in the future. If you are tempted to put your finger in your mouth, practice mindfulness. This practice can help you make conscious decisions and consider healthy handling techniques.

If the nails are short, this can minimize the desire to bite. In addition, the nails will not peel and have a rough end, making you even more reluctant to bite them.

Every time a nail bite appears, distract by doing something with your hands. Consider using stress-removing balls for times like this so that your hands don't touch your mouth.

You can buy clear nail polish that tastes bitter to help stop the habit of biting nails. Consider buying an antibit nail polish because it is made specifically for this purpose. You can find this type of nail polish at a local pharmacy or grocery store to buy without a doctor's prescription.

Some people feel wearing gloves can prevent the habit of biting nails because physically they can't do it. This can help you stop this habit, but it's not always possible. If you can't wear gloves, attach stickers or stickers to your nails can have the same effect.

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