YOGYAKARTA Revenge porn is not only related to ethical areas, as well as laws, and has a big impact on victims. Revenge porn is posting pictures of intimate activities in an attempt to embarrass, repay hurt, and expose ex-lover without consent. As experienced by the daughter of musician David Bayu, namely Audrey Davis (AD).

A number of facts were presented in the examination process regarding the exciting video case with his ex-girlfriend AP. A total of 27 examination questions by investigators were answered by Audrey Davis accompanied by his lawyer and father. It is known that after the arrest on August 9, AP was the main mastermind in the case of the spread of this intimate activity. Unbeknownst to Audrey, AP recorded the intimate activity and spread the video with a motive of heartache after it was decided by Audrey.

Revenge Porn or pornography revenge refers to the act of deliberately spreading pornographic content without the purpose of the person seen in the content. Launching a study published in the Journal of Law Cosmic, Faculty of Law, Muhamadiyah University Purwokerto, Tuesday, August 13, this study analyzed the impact on victims. Not only is the social stigma inherent, but also the psychological impact.

In March 2021, law firms Slater and Gordon conducted a survey of 2,000 people and found that more than 40 percent of them knew someone who had been a victim of a revenge porn. The survey also reports that explicit images shared for eleven grudges, have doubled compared to 2019. That means, more and more people are passing through consent and secretly making recordings or photos and then spreading to digital channels. Launching CPD College, research conducted by Statistica on images-based sexual abuse victims in the UK. This study reports that women are significantly more likely to become victims of revenge porns than men. A total of 27 percent of female victims are between 30-37 years old, while 15 victims are between 21-29 years old.

Based on a report from Komnas Perempuan in 2020, there has been a significant increase in complaints of gender-based cases in cyberspace. This increase reached 348 percent from 490 cases in 2019 to 1,425 cases in 2020, including cases of revenge porn. Revenge Porn is also one of the most destructive forms of online-based harassment in the last decade. Therefore, it is very important to understand the impact on victims in order to break the chain of revenge porn action.

The impact for victims, among others, felt betrayal. In addition, privacy violations lead to shame, fear, and isolation. Shame is not only related to the physical, but also the social stigma experienced makes them more isolated. Launching Antonio Gattamelata in Cyberbullying and Revenge Porn, anxiety is also a response when the victim does not know how widely generated Porn revenue content is, who sees it, and how people will react.

Victims of revenge porn may feel they have no control over their situation or narrative. In extreme cases, some victims of revenge porn experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including nightmares, flashbacks, and sleep disorders. They also thought of withdrawing from social life and endless stress.

From a clinical psychologist's perspective, the impact is not limited to emotional and mental well-being. Revenge porn also has a social impact. In a responsive society in judging victims, a negative point of view further cornered the victim. They are judged for something that is not their fault. This social impact can include losing friends, groups in pursuing certain activities, even discrimination in the workplace.

Understanding consent, knowledge about the dangers of revenge porn, empathizing and providing support and caring for victims is important.

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