JAKARTA - Paragon Pictures together with Ideosource Entertainment released footage of the teaser scene of the Dark Power film directed by Bobby Prasetyo. This film tells a story about the ritual of expulsion of demons.

"We created a tense and authentic atmosphere through real experiences of exorism in Indonesia," said director Bobby Prasetyo in an official statement on Wednesday, August 7.

"I believe this film will provide a new and thrilling horror experience for the audience," he said.

The Dark Power shows the process of expelling the devil carried out by Father Rendra, played by Lukman Sardi, and Father Thomas, played by Jerome Kurnia.

The film, produced by Robert Ronny, Andi Boediman, Pandu Birantoro, and Arvin Sutedja, is scheduled to be shown in theaters starting October 3, 2024.

"This film is not only about horror, but also explores the human side of the real case of exorism. We hope viewers can feel the emotional depth and realism in this film," said executive producer of Ideosource Entertainment Andi Boediman.

Producer Robert Ronny admitted that he dreamed of watching an Indonesian horror film with the theme of Catholic exorcise after watching the film The Exorcist.

"After conducting a long research and following the exorsism workshop with the Catholic Father who was recognized as the exorcist by Vatican, we have the full support of the Indonesian Catholic Church," said Robert.

Lukman Sardi, Jerome Kurnia, Astrid Tiar, Lea Ciarachel, total JKT48, and Delia Husein films.

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