JAKARTA - Celebrity Fairuz A. Rafiq said that not only Sonny Septian's physical condition was going down but also mentally.

This was said by Fairuz because her husband had just been sentenced to narrow his blood vessels some time ago and had undergone surgery on Friday, July 26 yesterday.

"His mentality is still very down," said Fairuz A Rafiq in the Gondangdia area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

Fairuz felt that Sonny was still surprised by the illness he had because all the processes from the start had symptoms until the verdict took place quickly.

"He might be in shock there, he's still like mentally, because it's fast, the process is really fast," explained Fairuz A Rafiq.

"And when he heard the results from the doctor, he was immediately really shocked. And he was grateful that the doctor also embraced us, both with us," added Fairuz A Rafiq.

Fortunately, Sonny was rushed to the hospital at the right time because Fairus said her husband had the potential to have a severe stroke if it was too late.

"It's not too late, so from the results of the symptoms for handling the MRI results, Sonny's condition is like that, usually not in a state of dizziness," explained Fairuz A Rafiq.

"Allah is very kind. He was only given that sign and could be helped, so the doctor immediately handled the action," he added.

Now Sonny Septian is undergoing a recovery period after undergoing surgery by learning to walk after previously being treated in the ICU.

"Yesterday there were two days in the ICU. But now the situation is recovering," concluded Fairuz A Rafiq.

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