YOGYAKARTA Implemented in past bad experiences causes post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. Research shows that continuing to remember the unpleasant past increases the emergence of problems. Such as looking for unhealthy outlets with eating disorders to substance abuse.

It doesn't mean reflecting on the past is bad. But struggling with problems that make you blame yourself and feel guilty, will certainly reduce welfare. Because negative thinking is very difficult to stop, here's how to neutralize bad experiences.

The more often you reflect on the past, the greater the chance you will get caught up in a negative cycle. So realize your non-neutral thinking habits about the past. The sooner you realize them, the sooner you choose to think about something productive.

Thinking about the problem will not help, said psychotherapist Amy Morin as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, July 31. "So ask yourself what can be done to overcome the situation. Stop focusing on negative thoughts about the past, it needs commitment," added Morin. This means looking for a solution so that it is not haunted by the past that makes you stop doing positive things.

Managing time is very important because it helps the brain process things that happen in life. So just give 20 minutes every day to think, worry, or reflect. If you start daydreaming and bad memories are called upon, say to yourself to think about it later at the time that has been set aside.

Divert Your Attention

Apart from finding solutions, it is also important to look for activities to distract. For example, completing more urgent tasks. Such as doing household work, exercising, or calling friends to talk about different topics.

Practice awareness

Awareness is the key to life currently. So when in full awareness, you can be fully present at this time. This can be trained with meditation.

That's how to neutralize bad memories from the past. That way, you can make peace with unpleasant experiences and accept yourself more positively.

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