JAKARTA - Businessman Tiko Aryawardhana reported back to his ex-wife, Arina Winarto on Friday, July 12 yesterday. The reason, he accused Arina of forcibly taking the laptop containing songs to his company's data.

The forced taking was carried out by Arina in 2022. Tiko, through his attorney, Irfan Aghasar, admitted that he suffered losses due to this incident.

"But the important thing is, there are transmission data or digital files on the laptop that we suspect have been transmitted to certain parties without permission from Mas Tiko which caused losses," explained Irfan Aghasar via text message, Monday, July 29.

"So the data is in the form of company data that should be asked for permission first to be confirmed," he said.

In addition, Tiko also accused Arina of extortion against him. This was revealed by Tiko when conducting a case at Polda Metro Jaya some time ago.

"When the case was held, there were allegations of requests and extortion committed by Arina to Tiko," explained Irfan.

Irfan explained that Arina allegedly asked Tiko Aryawardhana for Rp20 billion if he wanted the case related to the alleged corruption of the company's funds to be stopped.

Furthermore, Irfan added that his party had pocketed evidence in the form of evidence of conversations via text message.

"Yes, asking for some money exceeds the value he has accused. IDR 20 billion,"

"Yes, if we want to continue this case, we will pay 20 billion. We revealed yesterday in the case title. It happened before fingerprinting before it was verbally submitted, yes. Then after fingerprinting, one month after fingerprinting, it went through WhatsApp," he said.

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