JAKARTA - Entrepreneur Tiko Aryawardhana sent a back report against his ex-wife Arina Winarto alias AW on Friday, July 12. This was conveyed directly by Tiko Aryawardhana's attorney, Irfan Aghasar.

Irfan explained that this report was due to Tiko's personal property, such as a laptop containing songs to company data that was forcibly taken by Arina.

"Yes, that's right. So in early 2022, AW took the laptop and Imac," said Irfan Aghasar via text message, Monday, July 29.

"But on the laptop there are company data files, then photos, properties in the form of songs that are investments, mas Tiko for commercial because he is also a DJ, it cannot be used until now," he explained.

Tiko suspects that the songs that are his rights have been given to certain parties without his permission which ultimately cause losses.

"But the important thing is, there are transmission data or digital files on the laptop that we suspect have been transmitted to certain parties without permission from Mas Tiko which caused losses," explained Irfan Aghasar.

"So the data is in the form of company data that should be asked for permission first confirmed," he added.

Irfan said that his party had tried to discuss this issue amicably, unfortunately Arina did not give a response.

"And we have conveyed this as a family meeting, but there is no response," he said.

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