JAKARTA - It was confirmed that Krisdayanti would not be present at the splash process of his beloved son, Aurel Hermansyah. Even though he was not present, in his permit Aurel still mentioned Krisdayanti's name.

Approaching the wedding day, Aurel Hermansyah held a spray procession at the Intercontinental hotel yard, Jakarta, Friday, March 19 yesterday. In accordance with the theme of the event Aurel and his family wore traditional Javanese clothing in the siraman process.

Unfortunately, the sacred process of Aurel's spray this time feels incomplete. This is because Aurel's biological mother, Krisdayanti, cannot be there to accompany her beloved daughter. Only Yuni Shara was seen present and delivered Aurel to Anang and Ashanty.

In the procession, Aurel also apologized for all the mistakes he had made, whether intentionally or unintentionally. He hopes that his parents can open the door to apologize for all his mistakes.

Then, the name Krisdayanti was also mentioned by Aurel Hermansyah when she asked permission to marry her future husband, Atta Halilintar.

"Loli asks permission and asks for blessings to Pipi and Mother that Loli will marry Loli's future husband, Muhammad Attamimi Halilintar bin Halilintar Anofial Asmid. Hopefully Pipi, Mother and Mimi are willing to allow and give blessings for Loli's good intentions to lead married life. , "said Aurel Hermansyah as reported by era.id, Saturday, March 20.

Ashanty has already revealed Krisdayanti's absence from the Aurel show via YouTube The Hermansyah A6. At that time Ashanty said that Aurel's biological mother could not be present only on the day of the siraman.

Apart from Krisdayanti's absence, Aurel Hermansyah seemed happy and relieved to be able to hold the siraman process accompanied by his parents.

In the event, Anang looked manly wearing a purple Javanese beskap complete with his blangkon, while Ashanty looked beautiful and elegant with her kebaya and bun hair.

The process begins with the mixing of Setaman flowers consisting of jasmine, rose, and cananga flower, each of which has a meaning.

"Symbolizes holiness for jasmine, cananga to be remembered and roses so fragrant and fragrant," said the guide of the siraman process, Mamie Hairdo.

After mixing the Setaman flowers, Anang and Ashanty also mixed water taken from seven different springs. In this case, Aurel chose to use water from his residence in Cinere, his future residence with Atta, water in Pondok Indah Mosque, to use zam-zam water.

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