YOGYAKARTA Calorie high milk is a milk that is specially formulated to increase the weight of children aged 1-3 years. This type of milk can help your little one get an ideal weight and provide energy to support their activities. Then, what are the options for high-calorie milk for children 1 year and over? Let's look at the full information below.

Please note, children aged 1-3 years need around 1,125 Kkal per day. Energy or calories can be obtained from nutritious food and high calorie milk.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, July 20, 2024, the following is a recommendation for high-calorie milk for children 1 year and over.

Bebelac 3 is one of the high calorie milk that can help children get the ideal weight.

This milk contains complete and balanced nutrients, as well as providing the calorie intake needed for their growth and development. Bebelac 3 is the right choice for children who have growth disorders or are under normal weight.

In one dish, there are 180 Kkal with an additional 50 Kkal. In addition, Bebelac 3 is also equipped with other nutrients, such as fish oil, prebiotics, FOS-GOS, and 12 vitamins and 9 mineral.

This high calorie milk can help meet the nutritional needs of children aged 1-3 years. In it there are 12 vitamins and minerals that the body needs, including a combination of fish oil, iron, ALA, and LA that supports child intelligence.

Sedangkan untuk calori persajian adalah 170 Kkal dan tinggi fat 55 kkal.

The S-26 Nutri Sure Gold includes high calorie milk for children aged I know above. This milk is the milk of the addition of a multinutrient body that contains macronutrients and micronutrients. Both can meet the nutritional needs that cannot be obtained from food.

S 2-6 Nutri Sure Gold contains calories of 200 kcal/saji, including nutrients such as vitamins, protein, iron, fat, and laiya.

Enfagrow A+ contains many important nutrients that can help grow the growth and development of your little one. The number of serving calories is 170 kkal.

To maximize absorption, your little one is advised to consume this milk 3 times a day.

This one dairy product is claimed to increase the child's weight naturally. This milk contains 160 Kkal calories plus about 50 Kkal per dish.

In Lactogrwo 3 there is a fish oil content that is able to stimulate appetite. In addition, there is also a happy formula for nutrition that is needed for children to grow healthy and happy.

As a high-calorie milk, Pedia Sure Complet can increase the weight and increase the child's height.

This milk contains 226 Kkal per dish. Pedia Sure Complete is also low in sucrose (gula), so it does not increase weight through unhealthy artificial sugar.

It didn't stop there, Pedia Sure Complete was also enriched with various pentig nutrients such as 26 vitamins, mineral zinc, protein, and others.

The next recommendation for high-calorie milk for children 1 year and over is SGM Explore. The total calories in this milk is 150 Kkal per 200 ml.

Milk for children aged 1-3 years has complete nutrition that supports children's growth and development, such as IronCTM, DHA, fish oil, omega 3&6, and other important nutrients.

That's information about high nutritional milk for 1 year old children. get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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