YOGYAKARTA Menopaus is a health condition characterized by a decrease in testosterone hormone levels. This condition is not only experienced by women, the deficiency of testosterone hormones in men can also occur with age. The question is, how old is the men's menopause?

In men, the term menopause is referred to as Andropause. What is meant by Andropause is a collection of symptoms related to the decrease in sexual homonization due to the decrease in testosterone hormone levels.

The testosterone itself is defined as the male main sex hormone that plays a role in the development and function of the reproductive system. These hormones play an active role in maintaining muscle mass and are also the main triggers of Sacrificial.

Well, the levels of testosterone in the male body will decrease gradually, which is 1 percent every year. This condition can be exacerbated due to chronic diseases suffered, such as obsitas, diabetes, the influence of stress, or the influence of drugs.

Generally, men will experience menopause or andropause when they are 40 years old, depending on their medical history and lifestyle.

Quoted from AI-Care, menopaus in men or andropause have the following symptoms:

To treat men's menopause symptoms, you can get TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) therapy. TRT is available in several forms of preparation, such as oles medication, injection medication, nasal spray, or drinking medicine. To be able to get this treatment, you need to see a doctor if you realize the symptoms above.

You will also be asked to manage weight, exercise regularly and get enough sleep 7-8 hours a day. With hormonal therapy and changes in a healthy lifestyle, symptoms can be controlled and you can undergo normal activities as usual.

That's the answer to the question of how old is the men's menopause? Hopefully, the information above can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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