JAKARTA - Zapment oil has long been known as a natural ingredient that has a myriad of health benefits. Rich in nutrients and active compounds, olive oil is not only a popular kitchen spice, but also an important part of a healthy diet.

Although it contains a lot of fat, the fat contained in olive oil is a type of healthy fat, such as single unsaturated fats, double unsaturated fats, oleic acids, omega 3, and omega 6. Zap oil also contains collins and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols.

Even so, to get the maximum benefit of olive oil, choose extra virgin olive oil that has not gone through the purification process. This oil contains more antioxidants and nutrients than processed olive oil.

There are various types that determine the quality of olive oil itself. Some types of olive oil are extra virgin oliv oil, virgin oliv oil, ordinary virgin oliv oil, olive pomace oil, and lumpanite oil oil. The best quality of olive oil is extra virgin oliv oil. Here are some benefits of olive oil that you must know.

Olive oil, especially the extra virin type, is rich in single unsaturated fat which helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Several studies have shown that healthy fats in olive oil can help maintain brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. The antioxidant content in olive oil helps protect brain cells from oxidative damage, which can slow down the aging process of the brain.

Olive oil can function as a natural lubricant for the digestive system and help facilitate food movement through the digestive tract and prevent constipation. In addition, olive oil has antimicrobial properties that can help maintain the health of the digestive tract by fighting harmful bacteria.

The olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage to free radicals.

Olive oil can help regulate blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. This is very beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes or those who are at risk of developing diabetes.

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