YOGYAKARATA - Every couple certainly wants to know the gender of the prospective baby who is still in the mother's womb. Usually pregnant women undergo the detection of the baby's gender in the stomach through ultrasound and blood tests. In addition, there are traditional ways that can also be done to guess the gender of the prospective baby.

Maybe many do not know that Javanese culture also has its own method of guessing the gender of the prospective baby. Javanese people used to detect the baby's genitals in the womb by looking at the characteristics or characteristics of the physical fruits and the lifestyle of pregnant women.

You may be interested in observing the characteristics of pregnant girls according to Javanese. Although this traditional method is not entirely accurate, there is a unique pleasure and experience in itself to try to implement it.

In ancient times when there was no ultrasound technology and blood checks, the Javanese people predicted the gender of the baby by observing the physical condition and behavioral changes of pregnant women. The following are the characteristics of pregnant women in the style of Javanese observations:

The shape of the abdomen of pregnant women is often used to guess the gender of a baby. This practice is actually quite common in many cultures, not only among the Javanese people.

Javanese people believe that if the abdomen of pregnant women looks a bit high, then most likely the fetus they contain is a woman. Actually, during pregnancy, it is natural that the shape of the pregnant woman's stomach will experience many changes. The size of the pregnant stomach can also vary depending on the weight and height of the body.

Javanese people believe that if the left breast is bigger when pregnant, then pregnant women contain baby girls. However, this belief has not been scientifically proven. During pregnancy, there were various different changes in body shape in each pregnant woman.

Over time, the breasts also experience changes and their size can become asymmetric. This change in size is caused by hormones and is a sign that the breast is preparing to breastfeed the baby.

According to Javanese beliefs, pregnant women who like vegetables indicate that they are pregnant with a baby girl. Have you also experienced the same thing? However, the preference for food during pregnancy is actually not influenced by the gender of the baby.

CHANGES in hormones during pregnancy can change the taste of pregnant women's food. However, there's nothing wrong with having fun guessing the baby's gender of these characteristics. As long as you're not too disappointed if the results don't match expectations.

Maybe you hear the characteristics of this one the most often. Pregnant women who are diligent in dressing up are believed to be pregnant with a baby girl. This belief is also in Javanese culture. Some people believe the change in dress-up habits reflects the gender of the baby in the womb. But actually this is not influenced by gender.

Changes in the condition of the face of pregnant women are also associated with the gender characteristics of prospective babies. If the skin on the face of pregnant women becomes reddish, acne, and oily, it means that they are pregnant with a baby girl.

Regarding this interpretation, some believe that a future baby girl 'takes' beauty from her mother, causing changes in facial skin. But actually when pregnant, a woman's facial skin can also change due to hormones.

Those are the characteristics of pregnant women according to Javanese people. But keep in mind that the method of detecting the sex of babies in the womb does not fully provide accurate results. So so as not to be disappointed, make sure to undergo blood tests and ultrasound tests to get more accurate results. Also read the signs of young pregnancy in women.

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