YOGYAKARTA Pulus is hair that grows in the genital area of vital organs both in women and men. The hair will continue to grow so that it is highly recommended to be shaved so as not to cause disease. Not only in medical glasses, Islam also has a recommendation to shave pubic hair. To do so, to know how to shave good and healthy pubic hair according to Islam accompanied by sunnahnya.

In the book entitled Guidelines for Women's Special Worship by Shaikh Hasan Muhammad Ayyub, it is explained that the steps to shave pubic hair are as follows.

Before shaving the hair on the body, it is recommended to take a warm bath. This step is taken so that the hair that will be shaved is moist so that it is easier to shave so as to minimize scissors or other shaving tools.

In addition, warm water will help moisturize and clean the skin so that the shaving process is more hygienic.

Reading prayers before carrying out activities is one of the practices in Islam so it is highly recommended. Before shaving your genitals, it is advisable to read a prayer first. Prayers that can be read before shaving your genitals are Basmallah.

Prayers are not just a practice so as to bring rewards and protection but prevent genies nestled in the bathroom from peeking.

After that, cut the hair with scissors first so that the hair is shorter. This cut will make it easier to shave so it doesn't interfere. Measuring as short as possible pubic hair.

In order to make shaving easier and more slippery, it is recommended to apply oil or special shaving creams to make shavings more slippery so that it becomes easier.

Shaves can be done with a shaving knife, but try a clean and sharp knife. When shaving, try to do the scratches in the direction of the hair lane. This activity is carried out in a bright place.

If you feel that the hair is clean, you can rinse the pubic area with running clean water. Water will help clean up the remaining oil or shaving cream, and the rest of the hair that sticks. After that it is recommended to pat the shaving area with a clean towel.

Islam also provides recommendations regarding the time limit for shaving the genitals and the recommended day to be selected in shaving the hair on the body.

Reporting from NU Online, basically everyone has different skin growth in the body, some grow fast and some last for a long time. In Islam, it is recommended to immediately shave the pubic hair if it is already long. But don't let it go more than 40 days. This is as stated by the Prophetullah SAW, which means as follows.

"From Anas Bin Malik RA he said, 'We were given a deadline (by Rasulullah SAW) in shaving the mustache, cutting the nails, shaving the pubic hair, and removing the hair so that we wouldn't leave it for more than forty nights,' (HR Muslim).

In addition, it is also recommended to clean yourself, including shaving your pubic hair or in the body area on Friday.

It is also recommended to find out the need to shave your genital hair so that it is hygienic.

That's how to shave good and healthy pubic hair according to Islam. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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