The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Police, Tomi Kurniawan, explained that the former manager of celebrity Fujianti Utami alias Fuji, namely Batara Ageng or BA, admitted that he had embezzled up to Rp1.3 billion.

Tomi said that the reason Batara took the money was because she was tempted to do it when she saw that Fuji's profits were very large.

"From Ba's confession, because he saw the FU's advantage was big. That's why he took the opportunity and was tempted to embezzle," said Tomi Kurniawan at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, July 11.

Tomi further explained how Batara took Fuji's money for almost a year as Fadly Faisal's sister manager.

"So it is known that as long as brother BA becomes manager from December 2021 to December 2022 there has been a cooperation contract of approximately 20 contracts," explained Tomi Kurniawan.

Until one day Fuji conducted an internal audit of his residence, it was discovered that the Rp1.3 billion in cash from the cooperation with 20 agencies did not go into his account.

"Then finally, from the FU sister herself conducted an internal audit of her finances, and it was found that as much as Rp. 1.3 billion that should have been obtained by the FU sister, it did not go into her account," he added.

After being traced, it was discovered that all the money was entered into Batara Ageng's personal account because Fuji's income was taken care of by him.

"So during December 2021 to December 2022, the cooperation contract will all go to BA's brother's account," he said.

"In accordance with the cooperation contract between the agencies and the FU sister, the flow of funds is all managed by the manager, namely as BA's brother," explained Tomi Kurniawan.

Tomi said that actually there was an agreement between Fuji and Batara in the distribution of results in Mama Batara to get 5 to 10 percent profit from the cooperation contract with the brand.

"Based on the information from the FU sister, BA's brother is paid Rp. 500 thousand per month. However, if there is a cooperation contract with the agencies, BA's brother gets a profit of 5 to 10 percent of each contract," he said.

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