YOGYAKARTA post-polo syndrome is one of the health problems that has no cure. The handling is only focused on reducing the symptoms.

Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) can be experienced by people who have had polio in the past. Polio itself is a viral infection with the central nervous system.

Adapting to the UK's National Health Service (NHS), someone affected by polio will experience paralysis, muscle weakness, and muscle shrinkage. However, usually this problem will disappear in the next few weeks or months, or remain the same for years.

Well, post-oil syndrome is a condition where these symptoms develop or get worse years or decades after early polio infections.

To get a more detailed explanation, let's look at the following reviews.

Adapting the Cleveland Clinic page, post-poly syndrome is a health problem that can cause muscle weakness and muscle atrophy (loss) gradually.

PPS is generally experienced by people who have had polio, and occurred 10 to 40 years after survivors recovered from early polio infections.

About 30-40 percent of people who have been infected with the polio virus will experience PPS. A person who has more severe polio has the potential to experience more severe PPS.

Until now, experts do not know for sure what causes post-polo syndrome. In fact, the way to prevent it is also unknown.

However, in the NHS report, post polio syndrome can occur due to gradual damage to cells in the spinal cord damaged by the polio virus. This explains why this condition emerged after more than a decade.

It is not yet clear why only a few polio survivors have PPS. What needs to be watched out for is that those with severe polio have more potential to experience post polio syndrome.

According to Cleveland Clinic, the most common post-oil syndrome symptoms are gradual weakening of the muscles affected by early polio infection.

The severity of the symptoms can vary in each person. The symptoms of post-oil syndrome include:

If the muscles involved in the respiratory and digestive system are affected, PPS sufferers may be able to experience difficulties with this function.

Until now, there has been no cure for post-poil syndrome. However, support and various treatments are available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Several ways that can be done to manage PPS symptoms such as:

That's information about post-oil syndrome. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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