YOGYAKARTA The existence of the theory of gravitational attraction is one of the major discoveries in the field of science. There are at least two figures who have theories about gravity, namely Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Although they both have opinions, the views on gravity turn out to be different. So what are the differences in Newton and Einstein's gravith theories?

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), gravity has three meanings, namely the strength (style) of earth attraction, the process of earth attraction, and the weight style of an object.

In the field of science, gravity is considered a concept that is quite difficult to understand, but important to understand. Understanding gravity will help humans solve daily problems.

There are two big figures who have theories about gravity, namely Einstein and Newton. Both are well-known scientists at their respective times. Both of them continue to try to find out how the universe works, one of which is about gravity. Then what are the different theories of the two scientists?

Reporting from skyatnightmagazine, Einstein's theory of gravity has differences with Newton's theory of gravity. One of the quite important differences is that Einstein's theory includes the cosmic speed limit of the speed of light.

Newton himself is of the view that gravity that occurs throughout the universe is felt instantly. He also predicted that if the Sun suddenly disappeared then the Earth seemed to feel a lack of gravity and would get out of the Solar System system.

On the other hand, Einstein considered that no one could move compared to the speed of light, so the earth would not realize its gravitational absence for 8.5 minutes, the time it needed for gravity to move (at a speed of 300,000 km/s or 6.7 million mph) from the Sun to Earth.

Not only that, but differences in Newton and Einstein's theories of gravity also exist in other aspects. For example, Einstein is aware that the source of gravity is not a mass, in contrast to Newton who believes it. Einstein considered the source of gravity to be energy, while the mass was one of its forms.

The conclusion is that all forms of energy will have gravity, including heat energy, sound, and so on. Gravity is also considered as a form of energy. Gravity is able to create more gravity.

That way when it is near the Sun, where the gravity of the Sun is at its strongest point, gravity will be slightly stronger than what Newton predicts. Whereas in Newtonian gravity, planets can only move according to elliptical orbits.

However, Newton's gravity was not proven because Mercury's orbit continued to shift until its pattern formed like a roset.

Those are some of the differences in Einstein and Newton's theories of gravity. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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