JAKARTA - Cleaning the microwave with vinegar will make your kitchen utensils look new in just a few minutes. All the stains of oil splashes, food spills, and odors left behind will disappear after being cleaned quickly using white vinegar and water. As a bonus, you don't have to spend it deep to buy vinegar. Even this ingredient does not contain chemicals and is effective in sanitizing the microwave.

Quoted from The Spruce, Monday, July 1, here are the tricks to clean the microwave with an vinegar solution.

Add Cuka And Water To Mangkuk Resistant To Heat

Pour one cup of white vinegar and one cup of water into a hot-resistant bowl. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, add a drink, a few drops of lemon juice, or some pieces of orange peel (lemons, oranges, limes) into the water. You can also add some drops of your favorite essential oil to create an adapted aroma.

Microwave For 5 Minutes

Place a bowl that has been filled with vinegar and water into the microwave and heat it at high temperatures for five minutes. The boiling solution will produce steam to remove the stains of attached food.

Microwave Lap

After five minutes, carefully remove the bowl. The reduction will be very hot, so use gloves or oven gloves to protect your hands from accidental splashes.

Wearing protective gloves, dip the sponge into the solution and the entire surface, including the door and inside of the microwave carefully.

Soak And Clean The Playtable

If the microwave has a removable rotary table, remove it and secrete all of its sides. If it's very oily, you can wash it in the sink with hot water and a few drops of dish wash or put it in the operating machine automatically.

Dry The Inside

After the oil and dirt stains have disappeared from the inside of the microwave, take the microfiber towel and lap the inside to dry.

Clean The Outside

You can use the same vinegar solution to clean the outside of the microwave. Dip a clean sponge into the solution and the outside. Dry the control and handle of the door with a microfiber cloth to prevent scratches.

If you use the microwave every day and often forget to close the food while heating it, it's best if the microwave is cleaned at least once a week. Ideally, you should immediately clean up the microwave as soon as you smell or splash food.

Cleaning new spots is easier than long-term food stains. However, if you don't use the microwave as often as possible, a thorough cleaning can be done every two weeks, even once a month is enough.

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