YOGYAKARTA - How to calculate istihadhah blood is very important to understand by Muslim women. Istihadhah is a menstrual condition where the process occurs irregular or different from ordinary menstruation. This condition must be considered when Muslim women want to perform certain prayers, including prayers.
Istihadhah's blood is different from blood that comes out during menstruation period or during postpartum. Istihadhah's blood comes out beyond the maximum limit or less than the minimum period of menstruation and nifas. By knowing how to calculate istihadhah's blood, women know when to maintain spiritual and physical hygiene.
Therefore, women need to hit the signs of istihadhah, so they can maintain the cleanliness of their clothes and body to carry out worship comfortably. So how to calculate istihadhah blood based on Islamic views?
Istihadhah's blood is blood that comes out of a woman's genitals outside of her normal menstrual period. This blood is not due to menstruation or childbirth. This blood can arise due to illness or hormonal disorders. Medically, this condition is known as menorrhagia.
One of the causes of istihadhah is hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance in a woman's body can cause prolonged menstruation or istihadhah, especially if the hormone levels of the estrogen and progesteron are not balanced. These conditions can cause excessive decay in the uterine layer (endometrium).
In addition, ovarian function disorders can also be the cause of istihadhah. Disorders in ovarians can interfere with the production of the hormone estrogen and progesteron that regulates menstruation, resulting in irregular or prolonged menstruation.
Endometrosis can also cause istihadhah. Endometrosis occurs when endometrium tissue grows outside the uterus which causes abnormal bleeding and pain before and during menstruation.
Istihadhah is different from menstruation or nifas, so women who experience istihadhah are considered like holy women. This means that Muslim women who experience istihadhah are still required to pray, fast, and may have sex with their husbands.
The view of Mazhab Imam Hanafi states that there are several key principles in calculating istihadhah's blood. The following is how to calculate the blood of istihadhah following the schools of Imam Hanafi.
The term "Mu'tadah" refers to menstrual blood that comes out according to the menstrual period commonly experienced by a person. On the other hand, the term "Not Mu'tadah" refers to menstrual blood that comes out outside the usual menstrual period.
If menstrual blood comes out through the usual period of menstruation, the blood is considered as istihadhah. For example, if a person usually menstruates for 7 days but menstrual blood still comes out on the 8th day, then the blood is considered an istihadhah.
To calculate istihadhah's blood, it is necessary to pay attention to the maximum duration of menstruation. According to the Hanafi mazhab, menstruation period should not exceed 10 days 10 nights. If menstrual blood comes out more than 10 days, then blood coming out after 10 days is considered as istihadhah.
If menstrual blood stops during the menstrual period and then comes out again within 10 days, the blood that comes out the second time is also considered menstrual blood. This means that this person must stop praying during menstruation and continue praying when menstrual blood stops temporarily.
In an example, if a woman usually menstruates for 7 days and her menstrual blood stops the 4th day, then comes out again on the 8th day then:
Mazhab Imam Maliki calculated the blood of istihadhah with several principles. The following is how to calculate istihadhah's blood based on the meaning of Imam Maliki.
If menstrual blood comes out on the first day then stops, but reappears within 15 days (or 18 days if Mu'tadah), then the first and second bloods are considered as one menstrual phase.
According to Mazhab Maliki, the minimal holy period is very short, only a few drops. If blood stops during that period, women are considered sacred and must perform prayers.
Mazhab Maliki admits a 15-day period of menstruation for those who are not Mu'tadah and 18 days for those who are Mu'tadah. If blood comes out outside that timeframe, the blood is considered as istihadhah.
Based on this principle, how to calculate istihadhah blood can be described with the following examples of cases:
If a woman has a menstrual period from the date of 1-5, then on the 6-8th the blood stops, then her menstrual blood comes out again on the 9-10th, then the 1-5th and 9-10th is considered a menstrual period. While the 6-8th is referred to as the holy age and women are required to perform prayer on the 6-8th.
Imam Syafi'i's views have several basic principles in calculating istihadhah's blood. Here's how to calculate istihadhah's blood based on Imam Syafi'i's mazhab.
If menstrual blood comes out on the first day, then stops, then comes out again, then this whole period is considered as a period of menstruation. This condition applies as long as the span of time from the beginning of the first blood output until the end of the second blood does not exceed 15 days.
The first blood that comes out must be at least one day and one night before the period is cut off. This means that if the first blood comes out only a few drops or less than one day and one night, the menstrual period that occurs after that is not considered a menstrual period.
If there is a menstrual blood break between two menstrual periods of blood, for example menstrual blood comes out on the 1-4th, stops on the 5-7th, and comes out again on the 8-12th, then the entire period from 1 to 12th is considered a period of menstruation.
This affects the obligation to perform prayers for women. During the calculated menstrual blood period, women are not allowed or prohibited from praying. In the example above, the woman is prohibited from praying from the 1st to the 12th.
By knowing how to calculate istihadhah's blood, Muslim women can know when to clean themselves up to be able to worship comfortably and calmly. Also read the causes of menstruation late in adolescents and solutions.
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