YOGYAKARTA - Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in the severe category that many people fear. Schizophrene can be experienced by various ages, ranging from children to the elderly. So what is experienced bytegers?

Symptom sufferers experience hallucinations, misery, chaotic thoughts, and behavioral changes. Wackey mentality disorders occur over a long period of time and cause dangerous symptoms because the sufferer has difficulty distinguishing between reality and his mind.

Schizophrenia can affect the mindset and actions of the sufferer, thus disrupting daily activities and relationships with those around them. So what causesā–kalaukilan and whether this mental illness can be treated?

Until now, it is not known exactly what causestenuation. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk of someone being exposed togalonia disorder, as follows:

A person who comes from a family with a history ofETTING has a higher 10% risk of experiencing the same condition. This risk increases to 40% if both parents suffer fromtegery. For individuals who have twins withterisks, the risk is up to 50%.

Research shows that imbalance in dopamine and serotonin levels can increase the risk ofterisk. Dopamine and serotonin are neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that play a role in sending signals between brain cells.

Some conditions during pregnancy are suspected to be at risk of causingteicides in children born. These conditions include nutritional deficiencies, exposure to toxins and viruses, preeclampsia, diabetes, and bleeding during pregnancy.

Complications during childbirth also risk causingte in children, such as lack of oxygen at birth (astrophicsia), low birth weight, and premature birth.

Generally symptoms ofappropriation appear when a person is a teenager. In men sufferers, this mental disorder usually appears at the age of 15-30 years. Meanwhile, in women, this mental illness usually appears when they are 25-30 years old.

Experts categorize the symptoms ofestimation into two, namely positive symptoms and negative symptoms. Here are the symptoms of scheme that you need to know and be aware of:

Many people question whethertenpox can be cured? Until now there is still no special drug that can be used to curesets. However, there are several methods of treatment that can be done to control and reduce symptoms oftenuation.

The following are some methods of treatingset disease to reduce the symptoms experienced by sufferers:

Such are the reviews of what people experience experiencingselves. Patients with mental disorders experience hallucinatory conditions, fights, and behavioral changes that cause them to have difficulty distinguishing between reality and their minds. Also read the types of hallucinations and the causes.

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