JAKARTA - Musician David Bayu's daughter, Andrew Davis, is suspected of being involved in an exciting video scandal. This was first revealed in X's social media account. Where the X account uploaded a paid link containing three videos showing Audrey having sex with a man.

Not only videos, but the link also shows several photos belonging to Audrey that often show off his body parts. The allegation that it is Audrey Davis is further strengthened by some signs and similarities in the female figure to Audrey.

Seperti keterangan di dalam unggahan tersebut yang menulis inisial dari sosok wanita pemeran video fun itu yaitu berinisial AD sama seperti nama Audrey Davis.

"Miss AD is viral," wrote the X account quoted by VOI, Thursday, June 27.

It doesn't stop there, when viewed in more detail the position but the female fly who plays the exciting video with Audrey Davis's mole is both under the left eye.

Even the tattoo on Audrey's right arm is also similar to the woman in the exciting video.

VOI tried to contact to ask for confirmation, but until now there has been no further information from Audrey or David Bayu regarding the alleged exciting video case.

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