JAKARTA - The cow's milk energy (ASS) occurs when the immune system overreacts to proteins in cow's milk. So that it can affect children's growth, development, and health if not treated quickly and appropriately. ASS is the most common food allergy at the beginning of childhood, with an incidence of 2-3 percent in the first year of life.

Symptoms of children suffering from cow's milk allergies can be seen from a number of physical characteristics, such as lips or itching mouth, bentol and rashes in the body, cough and short breath, runny eyes, vomiting nausea, blood-accompanied diarrhea. This is a symptom that is immediately seen after the child consumes cow's milk and the short-term impact of the allergies caused. Meanwhile, the visible long-term effects and symptoms are failure to grow.

If you are a child's parents who have a cow's milk allergy, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., SpA (K), M.Kes as reported in a Nutricia talks webinar that collaborates with Primaku. With the theme Hand the Cow's Milk Allergy (ASS) on the child quickly and precisely before it's too late' explains some of the management that can be done.

First, parents can remove cow's milk products from their daily diet. Because, if the child is still exposed to cow's milk products, it is likely that his allergies will recur even though he has recovered from his previous symptoms.

Second, Prof. Budi suggests looking for other sources of substitute nutrition, such as breast milk, extensive hydrated formula milk, or amino acid formula.

"If the child has been diagnosed with cow's milk allergy, then the goat's milk and its derivative products cannot be used as a substitute," said Prof. Budi.

Third, parents need to be observant in reading food labels. Make sure the food products to be purchased for children do not contain cow milk properly.

This handling strategy must be carried out quickly and appropriately in order to reduce the negative impact of ASS, so that children with ASS can live a healthier and more developed life optimally.

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