JAKARTA - Gigi is one of the most important parts in the body that must be kept clean. Based on the drg. Kim Seong Seon, who is a dentist from South Korea, tries to reveal how to brush good and correct teeth.

Kim Seong Seon explained that it would be better if you brush your teeth 40 minutes after eating for 6 minutes. He said that the longer you brush your teeth, the better.

"Eat anything, you can but don't brush your teeth right away. Just wait for 40 minutes after that, brush your teeth. Then, try not for a while, but for 6 minutes. Previously, it was recommended 3 minutes, in my opinion 6 minutes," said drg. Kim Seong Seon at the Press Conference for the Healthy Life Program on TVOne in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Monday, June 24.

"The longer the better, the most important thing is brushes. It's okay to eat sugar or other foods, right," he added.

Then, Kim Seong Seon said that when brushing teeth, the most important thing was the brush used, not the toothpaste used.

Therefore, Kim said that no odol can also be done.

"Brush teeth using odol, which one is important? Actually brushes are more important. The Odol is not important," explained Kim Seong Seon

"Because brushes are more important, so brushing teeth without odol is also okay," he added.

Furthermore, the dentist, who started his career in Korea and has been experienced for more than 40 years, advised not to soak the brush in the water before brushing teeth, aka having to be dry.

"It's the same as before brushing teeth, it must be soaked first. Right? Soak first, right? It's not allowed to soak. It's not allowed to soak, just go ahead. It's dry," he added.

Due to his experience in dental medicine, Kim Seong Seon is lined up to share knowledge and tips on dental health in the Healthy Plus Life program every Wednesday at 09.30 WIB starting June 26, 2024.

This was positively welcomed by Maria Goretti Limi, Business Director, Marketing/Sales & Programing tvOne who hopes to help raise public awareness about the importance of maintaining dental and oral health by presenting dentists who are experts in their fields.

"This is a good thing, yes, with the cooperation or collaboration with experienced doctors, especially for decades in the tvOne program, of course it can be an added value. Of course, the information submitted becomes more valid with easy-to-understand delivery. Hopefully the Healthy Life program will continue to be a reference for favorite health events for the community," concluded Maria Goretti Limi.

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