YOGYAKARTA Snakes are a type of reptile that can cause fear and panic at the same time. Because they are considered dangerous animals, many people take careless actions with the pretext of expelling snakes that appear around the house or in an open place. This action is not appropriate to do, because a snake that is disturbed while still silent can attack humans nearby. So, what should we do if we meet a snake?

The first thing to do when you meet a snake in the house or in the open is don't panic.

If still layoffs, immediately contact the firefighters or snake rescuers. In addition, monitor the direction of the snake hiding or moving to make it easier for rescuers to find and catch the snake. Furthermore, see the following explanation.

When you encounter a snake, don't panic, let alone bother him. Here are some things you can do when you meet a snake:

1. Stay calm and don't disturb the snake

"The first step you have to take when you meet the reptile is to remain calm and not disturb or provoke snakes in any way even in a stationary or non-lethal condition," quoted from Siyabona Africa.

Snakes can pretend to be dead and can attack when disturbed. If you step on it, get away from the snake immediately.

2. Back slowly

Another action you can take when you see a snake up close is to step back slowly. Don't move suddenly so that your presence is not considered a threat.

3. Non-straight move

Snakes creeping through the ground are unlikely to strike. However, snakes that stand or enforce the neck show aggressive nature and will most likely strike.

If you are attacked or chased by a snake, move to the right and left. Because most snakes will move forward and only in a straight line.

4. Segara keluar dari ruangan yang ada snake

Invite everyone to get out of the room the snake enters. Close the door and gap underneath with a towel, then call the fire department or snake rescuer to ask for help, hit Good Living.

5. Sleigh the snake with a broom

Quoting the Human Society page, if possible, open the nearest door carefully and use a broom to carefully escort snakes out of the room.

If you can't dribble the snake and the snake is small or circular, place the empty bucket or garbage basket slowly on it, then add a load on the bucket to trap the snake until the experienced handler arrives.

6. Let the snake in the room

Quoted from the Singapore National Park Council page, never approach or try to hold a snake that appears outside the home. Let the snake live in its natural habitat and not be killed.

When they feel disturbed by the presence of snakes, ask for help from snake rescuers, but instead disturb the snake alone.

That's the answer to the question 'what should we do if we meet snakes'. Hopefully this information can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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