JAKARTA - Three teenagers involved in a brawl were arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team on Jalan Cikini Raya, Menteng District, Central Jakarta, on Sunday, February 23, at dawn. The brawl occurred at 04.30 WIB.

It was later discovered that the three perpetrators had the initials MMY (15), NAS (15) and MAK (15). The perpetrators with the initials NAS and MAK are students, while MMY is a teenager who dropped out of school.

When secured, officers found 4 sharp weapons of the type of sickle suspected of being used in a brawl. In addition, one pipe was also secured as evidence.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the arrests of the three brawling teenagers began with reports from residents to the Central Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team.

At that time, the Precision Pioneer Patrol Team was conducting regional patrols. Then after receiving the report, the team found a group of teenagers involved in a brawl in the Cikini area, Menteng.

When they were about to be arrested, the perpetrators tried to dispose of the sharp weapons they were carrying. However, the officers managed to secure them along with the evidence.

For the purposes of further investigation, the three perpetrators have been handed over to the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"The perpetrators can be charged with Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951, which regulates possession of sharp weapons by civilians, with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison," said Kombes Susatyo when confirmed, Sunday, February 23.

The situation at the scene is currently conducive, and the Central Jakarta Metro Police ensures that they will continue to carry out intensive patrols to prevent brawls that are troubling the public.

Kombes Susatyo said that his party had increased patrols in locations prone to brawls to provide a sense of security to the community.

"We deploy the Central Jakarta Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team together with Polsek patrols every day in places prone to brawls and hours prone to brawls, to provide a sense of security to residents," he said.

Furthermore, the Police Chief appealed that parents must have a role in supervising their children so that they are not involved in criminal acts that can damage the future.

"Parents should pay attention and convey to their children not to go out at night, not to fight, and stay away from drugs and alcohol. Provide positive activities for the future of their children," he said.

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