YOGYAKARTA The number of online gambling players in Indonesia continues to grow. In fact, according to information submitted by the Head of the Online Judi Eradication Task Force Hadi Tjahjanto, as many as 2.3 million Indonesians play online gambling. Of the total, 80 thousand come from under 10 years old children. Then why does online gambling make players addicted?

One of the reasons why gambling makes players addicted is the increase in dopamine that occurs when players feel victory. The impact of online gambling is indeed related to pleasure due to the emergence of dopamine in the body.

Reporting from AI Care, the victory felt by the gamblers led to joy. The reward system that occurs in the brain is able to be affected and that's when there is an increase in dopamine.

Please note that dopamine is a hormone that affects the mood. When dopamine spikes, it will convey stimulation to the body. The more dopamine increases, the more pleasure will increase.

This amount of dopamine has a bad effect on a person's feelings and behavior. This is able to trap a person into the gambling cycle in order to repeat the pleasure he has ever felt.

When hunting for pleasure through gambling, the person will continue to make bets and even be willing to spend a nominal amount of money in order to feel the pleasure he has ever felt. The desire felt cannot be controlled even though this habit has a profound impact on the gambler's life.

A similar reason was also revealed in a study conducted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and the University of Western Ontario in 2009. Research is looking for why online gambling has a bigger addiction effect than conventional gambling, for example, which is held in casinos.

The bigger addiction effect on online gambling has to do with easy players getting access to the game. Different in casino gambling, where players have to leave the house to go to the casino. Meanwhile, online gambling can be done via computer at home, even smartphones. This means that players can spend their time only on online gambling.

Reporting from the Yale Medicine website, a person can be considered addicted to gambling if in one year the person has at least 4 of the 9 criteria for gambling disorders according to the American Psychiatric Association. The nine criteria are as follows.

That's the reason why online gambling makes you addicted. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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