YOGYAKARTA "Have you ever asked, among hundreds of countries in the world, has there been a country that started with the letter X?"

According to the United Nations, the current number of countries in the world is 195, consisting of 193 member states and two non-member countries namely the Holy Throne of the Vatican and the State of Palestine.

If the data is used to play guessing at the initial letter of a country, it feels like almost everything. So, is there a country whose initial letter X? The answer to this question can be seen in the following review.

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 19, 2024, no country started with the letter X. However, there are several languages in the world that mention the name of a country with the prefix letter X.

For example, the Catala language used by 12 million residents of Andorra, Spain (Catalonioa at Barcelona), some in France and some in Italy. There are several countries that, if spoken in Katala, use the letters X as the prefix. These countries are Xina (China), Xile (Chili), and Xipre (Siprus).

The Galisian language used by 3.4 million people from northwestern Spain and some in Portugal, also mentions the name of a country with the prefix letter X. In fact, the country, which was originally referred to as letter X, has more number than Katala.

In Galisia, the countries whose pronunciations begin with the letters X, including Xamaica (Jamaika), Xapon (Japan), Xeorxia (Gerogia), Xibuti (Djibuti), and Xordania (Jordan).

Although no country begins with the letter X, there are several cities that start with this letter.

The city that begins with the letter X is a rare city, with a concentration in China that has a wide landscape, densely populated, and historical and cultural wealth.

In China, the important cities that started with the letters X were Xi'an, who used to be the ancient Chinese capital that houses the affected Terakota army, and Xiamen, a bustling port city with a strong economy and splendor of scenery.

The following is a list of cities starting with the letter X:

That's information about the country starting with the letter X. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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