YOGYAKARTA - Eid al-Adha in some areas in Indonesia is the time to get meat. Not infrequently, everyone who gets more meat than one mosque. Well, the problem is that so much can't be consumed and can rot if stored in the wrong way. You need to know what kind of meat sign is not suitable for consumption, let's look at the reviews below!

I. Smell

If the meat you store starts to produce an unpleasant odor, dispose of the meat quickly and don't try to consume it. Because, this is a sign that the meat is rotten.

Consumption of rotten meat can increase the natural risk of digestive system disorders.

II. Berwarna Pucat

The gray color does not always mean that beef is broken. Even so, you always need to be vigilant if the beef is pale.

Beef can change color due to metmyoglobin, which is the chemical response that occurs during myoglobin in the meat exposed to oxygen. According to the journal Microorganisms, this situation can enlarge the formation of decay.

III. Darkness

Blackened meat can be a characteristic of the formation of decay. Dispose of the meat quickly because it can risk causing food poisoning if it is still consumed.

IV. Drying Meat

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that each meat be processed quickly no more than 2 days after purchase.

There is no limit on how long the meat can be placed safely in the freezer. However, meat that has been frozen for a long time tends to dry up.

V. Lengket and Berlendir

Meat texture is important to pay attention to. The characteristics of the meat are unhealthy, namely the surface is starting to stick and melt. It is highly not recommended to consume meat when the texture changes appear.

Meat Is Not Fresh, Can It Still Be Eaten?

Then, when you experience signs of rotten meat and are not suitable for consumption, can you still eat it? If you see the above characteristics on the stored meat, you should throw it away.

Never even have time to eat meat that is not fresh. Including under the pretext of being sad if you throw it away. Because, meat that is not fresh will cause more harm than benefits for the health of your body.

Health problems that arise due to consuming meat that is not fresh or tends to rot, namely food poisoning. This situation can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

If you experience food poisoning, immediately go to the doctor to get further action.

How To Save Meat So That It's Awet

Cuts and Small Porsi Cut meat in small portions according to daily needs. This will facilitate the disbursement process and avoid re-freezing that can reduce the quality of the meat.

Use a container or air bag Save meat in an airproof container or a special freezer plastic bag to avoid contamination and freezer burn (a state where the meat becomes dry and changes color due to air).

Label and Date Don't forget to label and write a storage date for each container or meat bag. This will make it easier for you to monitor your shelf life and make sure the meat is used before the quality decreases.

Keep the Refrigerator Temperature and Freezer Pastikan the refrigerator and freezer You play a good role and protect the recommended temperature. The refrigerator temperature should be below 4$C and the freezer temperature below 18$C.

Storage Tips In Kulkas

In addition, also learn 'How to Choose Qualityless, Healthy, And Consumption-worthy Beef'.

So after knowing that the meat sign is no longer suitable for consumption, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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