JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting said that this year she had to celebrate Eid al-Adha without the presence of her parents who had been carrying out Hajj since some time ago.

Although there was no parents' presence, Ayu said that she could even go earlier to the nearest mosque to perform id prayers.

"Alhamdulillah, today prayers for Eid al-Adha even though we are not with my father and mother, we can pray early, the social assistance goes out of the fence early, usually only half-seven. That means we know who is the late cause? Yes, it's true, father and mother," said Ayu Ting Ting in Depok, West Java, Monday, June 17.

Ayu added that previously her mother, Umi Kalsum, was still carrying out her obligations in waking her children even though she was undergoing Hajj.

This was said by Ayu because her mother really understood the character of her children who were old when they prepared themselves. Ayu said that her mother was shocked because she was ready before being reminded.

"Earlier, my mother woke up at 4 a.m., she said 'don't wake up late' she was afraid that her children would be slow. When she found out we were tidy, she said 'no mother and father have to be neat', so we have to be responsible," explained Ayu Ting Ting.

"The spirit of Eid al-Adha is once a year if you can pray, don't miss it," he added.

Furthermore, Ayu told about the condition of her parents who were undergoing the Hajj pilgrimage. He said his parents were in good health and his worship went smoothly.

"Alhamdulillah, my father and mother are healthy, alahamdulillah, there is no pain or anything that coughs the most with my mother. Thank God everything went smoothly, the pilgrimage and my father and mother were also smooth," he said.

Not to forget, Ayu left a prayer to her parents before she released them for almost two weeks of Hajj. "Surely, if we don't leave it, he will definitely pray," he said.

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